Tag Archives: pier 39

San Francisco Layover – 8 hours


Since Delta has been fucking with all of our flights lately we got an 8 hour layover in San Francisco since they decided to change our itinerary out of the blue.

I swear everyone on that flight from Fargo to Salt Lake City was headed to Honolulu. I didn’t see any of THEM on our 8 hour layover!

UGH. But we made the most out of it by going out on the town since we had plenty of time.

Mark hadn’t been to San Fran before so I decided to take him to Pier 39 so we could see Alcatraz and the seals and what not.

I ended up totally missing the seals though. But it doesn’t matter. We’ll see them next time. No Biggie.


2013-01-04_11-58-47_940At least we got to see Alcatraz. Sorry for the fuzzy picture.

I didn’t want to be TOO Asian. Hahaha.

After that we took a little stroll to look for a place to eat and we found the best place!

It’s this place called “King of Thai Noodle” and my Duck Soup with Vermicelli was SO SAVORY AND FILLING!

I couldn’t stop drinking the broth and the duck was so tender and moist!

I’m getting hungry just thinking about this place…


And of course I couldn’t leave San Francisco without going to Blue Bottle Coffee!

Whenever I’m in San Francisco I have to have at least 1 macchiato from this place!

And the barista who made me one at The Station was just amazing! And of course I had to pick up a bag of coffee as well.

I don’t have a coffee brewer but I WILL FIGURE IT OUT!

All in all we had a fun time on the streets of San Fran!

The weather was refreshingly cool and the scenery was majestic just like always!

I can’t wait to go back! Thanks for the layover Delta!

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