Tag Archives: utah jazz


Thunder advances.

Clean win against the Mavs.

Maybe next time Dirk.

Whenever I think of KD anymore I can’t help but think of his Doodle Jump/Sprint commercial. I ended up downloading the game because of the commercial but it was just so so. Nothing too special about it. I’m going to go back to playing Draw Something and Hang Something or other.

Thunder vs Lakers will be an awesome upcoming series and Mark and I are very much looking forward to it. It feels like it was just yesterday when we were at the Playoffs games 2 years ago between the Lakers and the Thunder. The Thunder won’t be as easy to beat this year so the Lakers will have to bring all that they’ve got to make it a good series of games.

I’m sure we’ll have our own bets going on when the time comes for them.

We’ll be able to watch the Playoffs from Hong Kong…right? RIGHT?

I’d be happy too if Fisher could get another ring before Kobe.

It is what it is. Good thing he’s not on the Rockets. Phew~!

Spurs advance.

A little love kiss between Tim Duncan and Al Jefferson. An unrequited love met with such a bitter ending.

I’ll still be your bottom bitch Tim!

Hahaha. I’m just kidding. Love the angling on this picture though. Just priceless.

Let’s face it, the Jazz never had a chance and neither did the Mavs.

Still no Championship for the Jazz. Better luck next year.

I have the Spurs beating either the Grizzlies or the Clippers but losing to the Thunder or the Lakers. I’ve been disappointed before by the Spurs. No longer will I bet on them to win anything. I learned my lesson the first time around.

Clippers lead Grizzlies 3-1

I think they call this position the “Saucy Spoon”.

Come on guys, get a hotel room.

But anyways, I am going to puke. Not only do I absolutely despise the Clippers but I actually bet that the Grizzlies would take the Series…UGH. I might be out some moolah! AND IT WAS SUCH A CLOSE GAME YESTERDAY!!!!!!!! UGH…

I was watching during work and it seemed like it just went on forever. I still believe in Marc and OJ! LETS DO THIS SHIT!

Predictions and Hopes for Today’s Game Schedule

-Lakers close out the Nuggets, once and for all.

-76ers prove that the Bulls are nothing without Rose.

-Pacers halt the Magic’s attempt at a comeback.

-Hawks rise above the Celtics with a last minute clinch!

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