Tag Archives: friend

Gingerbread & Korean Food Time!

Olivo, Mark and I were watching the “Maltese Falcon” yesterday because I had to watch it for my film class.

We’re going over the hard-boiled detective films and this was the first on our list of many!

And although it was quite fast paced and hard to differentiate characters at times, overall it was a good movie.

And a must see for Humphrey Bogart fans.


After the movie I just kind of wanted to bake something. And Olivo was getting pretty sleepy so I wanted to help her stay awake so she helped me bake some delicious Gingerbread cookies!


They actually turned out pretty good! It was hard to cut out the shapes without destroying them because of all that butter in the batter but I put some more flour down before I rolled out the dough so that helped a lot.


And for dinner I made Sausage Omurice for me and Chicken Quesadillas for Mark.

We don’t really want the same food for dinner, which is fine by me.

It’s good because I’m getting better at multitasking in the kitchen.

I just need to get more pots and pans and stuff when I get the chance. Well…I need more baking ware rather than for cooking but we’ll see I guess.


A mini polaroid of Olivo and I. (Excuse the basket of laundry).

I don’t know…this picture kind of makes me look short. Hmmm… Oh well.


And today after we got back from our trip to Target we decided to go get some Korean food.

Ever since I had Korean food the other day I’ve been craving it like crazy. Thank God Olivo likes Korean food! I was stoked!


She got barbecue chicken and I got Kimchi chigae! Yum!!!!

Made it home in time to watch MOST of the Bachelor but it is SO BORING!

Everyone is ugly and stupid and Sean is boring as FUCK! UGH. Bleh.

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Bellows Air Force Beach Park

We took a little trip to Bellows Air Force Beach Park today and boy was it gorgeous!

It’s a private military beach near Kaneohe in Oahu. The sun was shining, the winds blew a cool breeze.

I actually had a lot of fun. My friend Olivo is visiting from Taiwan so she took most of these beautiful shots of us.



Reading for class~ I feel like being at the beach is one of the only times where I get any good amount of reading done.



Me and Olivo on the beach~


Happy Sunday everyone!

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Goodies from Taiwan!


My friend Olivo has come to visit from Taiwan!

I’m so excited to go out and have fun together!

She brought me SO MUCH STUFF! It’s just CRAZY!!!

On top is Tea and more tea and baguette crackers~ Tea from Taiwan is so good!


Potato chips drizzled with chocolate, shrimp crackers, caramel corn


Chocolate crackers, Egg Sachima, different senbei like snacks! made with black bean, peach, green tea…SO DELICIOUS!


An overall shot of everything.


More shrimp crackers, a bag full of hard candy, Kiki Lala notepaper, bath bombs!


Banana Chocolate Pocky and lots of amazing makeup and creams!

I love Asian makeup! I can’t spend money on makeup because I feel like it is such a waste so whenever someone gets me some I am so excited!

After I picked her up and she got a chance to unpack and rest a little bit we went out for a walk around the neighborhood so she could get her bearings.


I had to stop by Kakaako Kool and get some shaved ice with condensed milk!

Always so delicious.

She had a credit card minimum so I just told the lady to charge me the minimum and that I didn’t need to pick out anything else but she was so nice that she came outside and gave me a bag of white chocolate dipped macadamia nuts that they package there!


After that we went out to dinner. We tried to go to Genius Lounge but it was PACKED! I know it was Friday night but damn! So we walked around for a bit and decided to go to our default place, Fatty’s. I love it there but I was just worried about feeding my Taiwanese friend Chinese food for her first meal here but she liked it there too so it worked out okay.

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I had the spicy beef noodle like always. Yum!


Then we went to Yogurtland for some dessert! Yay for cute Sanrio cups! The pink one says ‘Honolulu’ and the blue one on the right says ‘San Francisco’ on it. I kept some of the spoons they gave out too. But I threw the cups away…I’m not THAT crazy. Lolz.


And I put together everything into a little bowl today so we can all share! Yay!

Now it’s time for some football! Let’s go Broncos!

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