Tag Archives: atlanta hawks

The King of trade bullshit rises again

Who else could I be talking about but the Master of Flip Flop, Mr. Dwight Howard himself.

Everyone is talking about how the Lakers would regret it if we didn’t trade Andrew Bynum for Dwight Howard but is this really the deal that LA has to make? Sure DH may be a tad bit better offensively Bynum is still young and only getting better year after year. The Lakers need to keep their young star players instead of risking them for older washed out players like DH.

Yes Bynum has had his own injuries and problems in the past but nothing like Howard’s recent list of injuries which could affect his rate of play from here on out. Season ending injuries for older players can be career ending as well.

And besides, wasn’t DH supposed to go play bball with his BFF Deron in Jersey? Did I miss something? Although I’m surprised Deron is thinking of staying after all the fuss he made this past season. Sorry, Brooklyn not Jersey.

I’ve been watching a lot of Bridezillas on TV and Dwight is beginning to sound a lot like those crazy bitches who need to have everything THEIR way.

There’s only one team on my list and if I don’t get traded there, I’ll play the season out and explore my free agency after that,” Howard told Yahoo! Sports.

And get this, he’s going to try to take “Legal Action” if the Magic doesn’t move him somewhere else since they “FAILED” to do what they had promised him. Who else isn’t annoyed by this big baby?

So let me get this straight. It’s a Catch-22 so try to stay with me here.

1. Dwight Howard wants to be moved and will only play for the Nets.
2. The Nets are trying to re-sign Deron Williams as well as Joe Johnson which leaves no money and no talent to offer the Magic for Howard.

I wouldn’t even trade a bag of peanuts for Dwight Howard.

And apparently the Rockets are in all the trade rumors now a days because they’re just trying to get their hands on anyone possible. But they’ve moved on from trying to get the big man since their Draft flop the other day AND they already signed Omer Asik to a 3 year contract worth $25 mil.

Why do the Lakers have to be the ones to get stuck with this dude? We don’t want his ass. I say we take another route to improve the team.

I really don’t want DH anywhere near LA unless he’s here for a pounding from my home team.

If I have to sing a song and put it on Youtube to KEEP Howard from coming to LA, I WILL DO IT! I SWEAR!

New article titles to describe DH, Dwight Howard has out-LeBroned LeBron with free-agency gaffes.” It’ll always be slang for the times but people who REALLY know what happened and KNOW how much work and effort Lebron gave to Cleveland will know that people are misguided when they use the term.

And for Pau, poor guy has just been the basis of almost every Lakers trade rumor for the past year now. If he ends up being traded I will of course be sad but maybe it’ll give him and the Lakers another opportunity at seeing a possible Championship. Up in the air is 3 possible trades for Pau (that we know about) but I’m pretty sure the one with the Hawks was already rejected. I’d LOVE to have Josh Smith on the Lakers but the Lakers still want more. And I can see both points of the situation. We’d get a great forward that’s not only an amazing defensive player but also one of the most efficient players in the NBA but we’d lose a big man which is pretty important. The Hawks, and any team that took Pau, would be left with a heavy burden of a $38 million/2 year contract which would put a pretty big dent in their hopes of scouting out other players.

Mark’s hoping for Pau to be traded to the Twolves so he can have an all white starting lineup. Hahaha. Hey, it IS Minnesota. I’d pay to see that.

We had a debate to see if he could make a Championship winning team with just white players. Maybe we should start the whole Fantasy League thing. I still haven’t decided who would be on my “non-white” team though. Apparently I only want 3 Lebrons instead of 5 according to Mark. For now, I think I’ll just stick with 1 and build on it.

Maybe when I have some more time to think about it I can do an analysis of my “DREAM TEAM”.

Bleh. That was my two cents on this whole situation. I really thought I had heard the end of this bullshit back during the regular season but I have to hear about it during the off season too? Now THAT’s bull honkey.

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Rondo Fail!

I love this shot. Not only is Josh Smith about to attack the rim, it looks like he has 2 more arms coming out from his shoulders. RAWR!

And then you see Paul Pierce doing a little ballet while everyone else is playing basketball.

Hawks triumph over the Celtics for a sweet victory in Atlanta.

Man, this shit was tense!

My heart was racing in my chest when I saw Rondo go in for the steal but Smith and Horford stepped up their defense at the right moment to box out Rondo from passing to Garnett.

It was just a great job and there were some awesome plays tonight as well.

Both teams had a total of 5 players scoring double digits but the Hawks had a better scoring percentage overall.

I have to hand it to the Celtics for their 2 buzzer beaters by Garnett and Rondo.

2 out of 4 of my predictions came true so all I need to do is keep my fingers crossed for the last 2 games on tonight.


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No ring ma but look what else I got?!

I was watching TNT last night at the Harbor Pub when Charles Barkley got DOUSED with champagne.

And for those of you who missed it, here it is:

After a while Kenny just refused to sit down and he eventually just ran off stage. I’d be scared if I was him too. I can only imagine what Charles did to him afterwords.

And I didn’t think Jordan Hill would be playing with his THIRD DEGREE FELONY ASSAULT on his girlfriend.

I guess it is what it is…he not only supposedly hit her but threw her up against a wall and choked her too. Scary.

I was surprised by the 76ers win and greatly disappointed by the Celtics last minute win against the Hawks.

Oh but…seriously? Emmy? What the fuck is a “Sports Emmy”? I am so confused…

Good for you Charles!

And I know the Lakers will whip the Nuggets. Kobe is having a great scoring game so I’m not too worried.

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