Tag Archives: donuts

All I do is eat…


So yesterday I woke up a little early so I could go get some breakfast pastries for Mark, myself and Olivo.

I drove down to Liliha Bakery which is pretty close by if I use the freeway. I’m sure there are other bakeries in the neighborhood that I need to try out but I always get so paranoid about trying to go to new places because I’m always worried I’m going to overshoot the actual location and have to make SEVERAL loops around the block to find the place AND/OR there is no parking ANYWHERE!

I have a legitimate reason to be paranoid because I feel like not having a parking space and overshooting a location is all I do in my car. I’m usually VERY good with directions but everything is on a one way street that like either leads to a freeway on ramp (that I do not want to go on) OR there is no opportunity to turn around to get back to where I was.

I got some donuts, a chocolate cream puff, an eclair, an apple turnover AND MY FAVORITE a sweet potato crescent. I swear I only get like two things at this place. The blueberry scone and the sweet potato crescent. It seriously reminds me of my time in Japan and I just love it!

Also testing out some photo apps on my phone. I feel as though I’m not sufficiently Asian enough to have already mastered every photo app out there to make my skin brighter or my eyes wider but I’m working on it! Hahaha.

But after chillaxing at home Olivo and I decided to take a walk down to Chinatown to look around and to see if there was anything worth buying from the Macy’s that is closing.


I was SO excited once I got to the little Chinese markets. I felt like I was back home again! They had all my favorite foods!

I bought two packets of instant noodles that Olivo SAID were spicy (because I love spicy food) BUT they weren’t spicy at all! She lied! I had to put a shit ton of Sriracha into it before I could eat it.

Also bought Strawberry Cakes! Olivo brought me all different flavors and I just loved them! They’re kind of like Fig Newtons but better! Tastier with a wide range of flavors!

I also bought a bag of peeled roasted chestnuts and needless to say I had finished it way too quickly. I absolutely LOVE chestnuts! I think I could live off of them if I had to. My mother and grandmother always bring them when they come to visit but they never last very long. But now that I know I can get it in Chinatown I am definitely going to go by more often!

AND I also bought Almond Jello Mix! They serve it as dessert in Chinese restaurants and it is SO DELICIOUS! I usually don’t care for Jello but I’ve always loved getting this at the end of every Chinese meal! I can’t wait to try it at home!!!


And this morning we watched the end of the Lakers vs Raptors game as well as both NFL games. And of course I wake up to the Lakers losing…to a team that is not even anywhere near playoffs! It just hurts to be a Lakers fan right now… I think I might start up a:

“NO DWIGHT 2013”

campaign soon.

But I also made some Cinnamon Tortilla crisps this morning since I hadn’t in a long time. Also made an experimental tortilla pizza with salsa, parmesan, mozzarella and pepperoni and it turned out pretty good! The only issue was that the salsa I used was SUPER SPICY so the pizza ended up being super spicy so I just need to be mindful of that next time.

I can’t believe both the 49ers AND the Ravens are going to the Superbowl. I guess you got your birthday wish Austin.

We’ll get there next year Broncos! I believe in you Peyton!

After that Mark and I went to Walmart and got our groceries for the week and when we came home Olivo was back so we decided to go out and get dinner.

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Olivo wanted to get a Loco Moco so I thought we could try Like Like Drive Inn. I’ve always driven by it but I’ve never been there so I’m glad I had an excuse to go. Olivo got the Loco Moco and I got the Oxtail which came with a soup, salad, drink and dessert!

Surprisingly my dish was pretty good. I do love Oxtail and I haven’t had any since I was in Hong Kong. The dish itself came with mashed potatoes and corn (which I also very much love). I gave the salad to Olivo since I despise the very existence of salad and I had the spinach soup as an appetizer. The soup wasn’t bad but I’m not quite sure what to think about it. It was…different. And for dessert I asked for a recommendation and she brought me the blueberry ice cream. I usually don’t like ice cream but it was actually really flavorful and surprisingly smooth.

I really do need to start back at the gym…

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They say it’s your birthday!

My birthday has been AMAZING!

It kind of actually started yesterday! Mark got me all new tires yesterday for my baby which was such an amazing and thoughtful gift!

Now I can be safer on the road! Hahaha. I’ve worn out my tired some because of all that racing but now they’re all nice and new again! Muhahaha!

Also got some Ohagi rice balls yesterday at Ala Moana! YUM! It’s so hard for me to find these so whenever I do I get so happy and nostalgic for Japan…

Scrumdiddlyumpcious! Mmm Mm!

I also got to watch the end of the Suns game as well as the beginning of the Lakers game yesterday while we were waiting for them to change my tires.

I don’t know what I would do without Yelp!

And after all that tire changing goodness we went to Korean BBQ and Karaoke because of Mark’s promotion! Yay!

I actually had a lot of fun, there were some fun characters last night. It was like I was in an episode of the pale version of Jersey Shore but with military people. They can just call it North Shore, a bunch of pale white guys getting piss drunk and singing Madonna songs. PRICELESS!

And guess what I woke up to this morning?


Mark woke up at 6 in the morning to drive to this 5 star donut place to get me fresh donuts for my birthday.

They were so fresh that they just melted in my mouth.

Yeah, be jealous.

And if that wasn’t awesome enough, after all the sugary sticky goodness we went for a drive all around the island. It was the perfect day outside so it was gorgeous!

Right after I took this picture this country bumpkin family walked out onto the beach. Boy was it weird. The Dad looked like Darrell from Storage Wars, they had 3 little boys with Mohawks, 1 older son who looked kind of like a taller chubbier Bobby from King of the Hill, Mom had half red half blond hair braided and they brought their uncle Jimmy with them and guess what he was wearing?

A famer hat, a hawaiian shirt and overalls. STRAIGHT UP OVERALLS! DOWN TO THE GROUND OVERALLS!

I wanted to take a picture but: a) it had just started sprinkling/raining and b) I didn’t really want to be beat up.

God…it was so weird though.

Then we went to get some Mexican which was delicious.

I had fresh clams cooked in Garlic butter with a side of Spanish rice. It was actually really good. Yum Yum!

And after that for dessert we had the best shaved ice this side of the west coast!

We went to Matsumoto’s shaved ice. Mark got Cherry, Grape and Orange and I got Watermelon and Strawberry with condensed milk. This shit is good! Who thought you could make shaved ice into something so mind blowingly delicious!

I’ll take whoever comes to visit! That has to be an incentive right? Lolz.

And then it was back to the road for some more adventures!

Gorgeous am I right?

Okay well I still have plans for the rest of tonight!

Being in Hawaii just makes EVERYTHING better. Yuuuuuuuuuuuup!

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