Tag Archives: mail

Nothing like some Mexican Corn and Peanut Butter Crunch cookies…


My mother sent me a picture of my baby Wolfgang yesterday.

Isn’t he so precious? I just LOVE my big baby.

So yesterday Olivo went to school with me to check out the campus while I had my one class for the day.

I actually enjoyed my Science Fiction class yesterday. We got to discuss King Solomon’s Mines by H. Rider Haggard and I totally got to rip this girl’s ideas TO SHREADS! So I was pretty happy.

What? She said something stupid without thinking. She gets what she deserves.


After that Olivo and I went to The Tea Farm near campus. I really love the tea there so I had to take her since she’s a tea fanatic.

I had the Green Tea Lemonade, like I always do, and it was DELICIOUS!

If you have time you should check the place out. It has a simple yet pleasing interior design, a shelf full of books for customers to read from and exchange with if they like, food options and of course, delicious tea! If you’re in Honolulu, you MUST check it out!

I’m pretty sure I’ll write a complete Yelp review soon. I feel like I’m about to pass out right now so I’ll put it off till tomorrow.

And for those of you who are curious, here is my Yelp link:


I have reviews for places in Honolulu, Los Angeles, San Francisco as well as some that are scattered here and there within the continental US!

After that we took a trip to the post office and I mailed a box of cookies to my friend Kana, a Christmas gift that I had to exchange for a nephew and some post cards for friends. I love the post office but I hate it. Sending mail just costs an arm and a leg. It always makes me cringe and die a little bit on the inside…

Decided to make Mexican food so I made Chicken Quesadillas and some Mexican corn on the cob! I forgot to buy the lime so it wasn’t as AMAZING as it could have been but I was pretty happy with how it turned out. First time trying to make it and I’m glad it worked out…for the most part. I’ll remember to buy limes next time though.

I had to use Parmesan instead of Cotija cheese because I doubt I could get any of that in Hawaii.

Here is the recipe I used if anyone is curious.


3 tablespoons mayonnaise (fat free is fine)
2 teaspoons fresh lime juice (optional)
2 tablespoons finely grated parmesan cheese
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
1/8 teaspoon salt
4 ears corn, shucked


1. Prepare grill.

2. Combine mayo and juice (if using) in a small bowl.

3.Combine cheese and seasonings in another small bowl.

4. Place corn on grill rack that has been sprayed with cooking spray.

5. Grill corn 12 minutes or until tender, turning frequently.

6. Remove from grill and brush with mayo mixture, and sprinkle with cheese mixture.

7. Serve immediately.


Also made some Peanut Butter Crunch Cookies for the first time using the recipe on the box.


I’ll post a recipe up soon! I love you box recipes!!!

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Retail Therapy

So it’s no secret that I’ve been a little homesick so when I asked my mother to send me some Trader Joe’s goodies she went out right away to get them for me! I had all but forgotten about Trader Joe’s while I’ve been here but I had a sudden craving for Caramel Waffles and everyone who knows knows that Trader Joe’s waffles can’t be beat! YUM!

My mother also sent other cookies and goodies that I love! And some Yerba Mate tea that ALWAYS makes me feel better when I have a stomach ache. You guys should try it some time when you aren’t feeling well. Yes it has caffeine but it does wonders! All you need is Yerba Mate with a lot of honey and it’s like you’re all better again!

She also sent me wafers which I absolutely detest. She always forgets and sends them to me anyway. *Shrug* It’s the thought that counts. I’ll eat everything else and leave the wafers for someone else to devour. I need to remind my mother about the biscotti too next time.

I’ve also been hitting the gym since I’ve been feeling a little pudgy lately and I feel great! It’s hard when you don’t have your gay best friend to go with you  but I’m trying my best to be consistent.

I’ve also been spending too much money since Mark’s been gone. But like the title says, it’s retail therapy. I’m trying to cope being alone and it’s going pretty well. I’ve made some friends and I’ve been going out so I’m doing better than I thought I would be.

Look what I got today!

I bought my little nephew (in-law) this rad Spiderman shirt so I can give it to him when we go visit during Christmas! Spiderman is EVERYTHING to this kid. Literally. Just hope he doesn’t outgrow the shirt TOO fast. And then before we go I’ll stop by Target again and get him some action figures. It’s hard when you don’t know what they have or don’t have but I’m sure he’ll be happy either way.

I also got myself the next Tokidoki Planner. 3 years strong!

I’m pretty sure I left the 2011 back home in LA.

And the only reason why I bought this one now is because in my 2012 planner there’s a page in there that says “IT’S ABOUT TIME TO ORDER YOUR NEXT PLANNER!” but then it also said “CONTINENTAL US”. Go figure.  So I decided it only made sense to just buy it when I saw it.

I also mailed out presents for my friends and family today which I hope they’ll enjoy. I just love sending mail! I really do. If anyone wants a new penpal let me know! Hahaha.

And more sports blog posts coming soon! I promise!


I also bought these off ebay yesterday. I just couldn’t resist! They just screamed ME!

Aren’t they just adorable! Can’t wait to get them in the mail!

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Did you see me on TV?

I actually look okay in the episode. Phew. Thank god. I’ll put up some screenshots when I get them. And for those of you who don’t know what I am talking about, (Yes I am guilty of selfless self promotion), I am on tonight’s episode of Bizarre Foods America on the Travel channel. Go check it out if you haven’t already!

But otherwise, today’s been a long day but a good one for the most part. My headache and semi-cold are a little better too which makes things a little easier.

And since I don’t have pictures of me in the episode I’ll upload these pictures of Tony Parker in the Olympics that Mark found.

Priceless right?

Well back to what’s been happening lately. My family left on Friday but we ended up having a lot of fun with them. We ended up going to the North Shore like EVERY SINGLE DAY but all in all we all had a great time. Lots of good food and relaxation time, just what the doctor ordered.

And then yesterday it was Mark and I’s 1 month marriage anniversary! We only realized it after our hike but that’s okay. We went to Manoa Falls and it was such a fun little outing together. I really enjoyed it and we’re going to go hiking again next weekend.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures! A lot of people were hiking in flip flops and barefoot… There was so much mud and rain and slippery rocks that I don’t know how those people survived. My cowboy boots, on the other hand, took me there and back just fine, especially with the help of my hubby Mark being there for me when my shoes didn’t have any traction.

Yay! Fun times. We also ended up going to Costco and Walmart that day and making care packages for family. I love making care packages and sending mail! Who WOULDN’T want a bunch of goodies in the mail??

Look what they had at Costco though… WANT! Only is the cat is included…OMG Maybe this is the perfect Christmas present for Rolf! Who wouldn’t want to see cute pictures of Rolf in this little cat bed. Which reminds me…my mother sent me more pictures of my little babies so I’ll upload them soon!

Speaking of what I saw at Costco, look what else I saw at Walmart!

Vintage-y looking Cracker Jack boxes! I wanted a box but it only came in a set of 3 so I just took a picture instead. *shrug* Good enough for me.

Oh, not to mention we got Saimin for the first time. Noodles were so so but we had Sweet Potato Tempura and they used Okinawan Purple potatoes and they were delicious! Just like the ones you get at the country fair that just MELT IN YOUR FUCKIN MOUTH! UH! It was ORGASMIC!

I also got some delicious strawberries from Costco! Growing up I’d always eat them with sugar so that’s what I’m doing now. Yum!

I love our Sundays off together!

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I feel loved!

This is a special post to thank my two best friends who are always there for me.

Thank you Patty & Eddie. I love you guys and I miss you so much!

I came home from Hong Kong to this!

I swear he has an extra secret mind telepathy or something! I was searching around for coasters everywhere but no one but Mark knew about it! These are perfect! We both bonded over an all night Portal 2-athon when it came out, which was pretty awesome to be honest.

And I have my very own companion cube!!!!!! Ahhh!!!!! He’s safely snug next to Bear Bruce Lee and all the other stuffed animals that Patty gave to me before I left.

And just yesterday when I got back from Minnesota I came home to this!

Patty also knows everything I love, silly or not. It’s like we’ve been friends forever. Funny to think we didn’t like each other at all when we first met. Hahaha. She got me…Cat socks, cat stickers, cat pen, hello kitty chopsticks and a cat mask paint set!!!!!


She bought me a different pair of Hello Kitty chopsticks that I use all the time and now I have an extra pair just in case anyone comes over or anything! YAY!

I’ve been missing my cat Rolf a lot so getting all this kitty kat stuff makes me super happy. And if you’ve never seen my baby, here he is.

He’s at home in LA with my other dog Lala. I hope they’re doing well.

Thanks again you two!

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