Tag Archives: gift

Oh My Glob, like it’s Happy Valentine’s Day!


I hope everyone has a good Valentine’s Day or Single’s Awareness Day or what have you!

Or you can just have a regular Thursday, it’s up to you!


Either way, I’ve been having a fun couple of days baking goodies and sharing them with friends.

I’ve also been planning a lot of activities for when Eddie comes to visit for my Graduation! We’re going to do everything!

Shark cage tours! Kayaking! Parasailing! Jet skiing! Scuba Diving!

And so we both need to save some kind of money in order to do that so I told him,

“Whenever you want a drink, just say to yourself ‘Pirate’!”

There are some shipwreck scuba diving tours so I’m going to see if I can make that happen…

And so Eddie sent me this Valentine!


Although the more I look into it, I really do think we need to be certified…

Like I said, I’ll figure it out.

I got Mark a couple sweets but he got a little munch hungry so I gave them to him a little early…

Sooo…I went out and got a few more things for him that I know he’ll like.


Cute right? The bag I got at Walmart and the Japanese snacks I got from Nijiya on my way to school this morning.

I’m so glad they all fit in there. Yay!

And here’s my little Valentine’s Day outfit for today:


Decided to go a little school girl today, just because I thought it would be cute.

Still playing around with photo editor apps but it’ll work out eventually.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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Valentine’s Day Hershey’s Kiss Peanut Butter Cookies!

I made some Peanut Butter cookies with Swirl Hershey’s Kisses today for Valentine’s Day!

I know V-day is on Thursday but there are some people I only see on Wednesdays so I thought I should bake some goodies a little early so that I could share them with everyone!

Mark has been devouring them like hot cakes! Haha.

So here is the recipe!


-1/2 cup shortening

-3/4 cup peanut butter

-1/3 cup white sugar

-1/3 cup brown sugar

-1 egg

-2 tablespoons milk

-1 1/2 cups flour

-1 teaspoon baking soda

-1/2 teaspoon salt

-A little extra white sugar to roll the cookie dough in

-At least 30 Hershey’s Kisses (doesn’t hurt to have more just in case) 1 bag is more than enough


1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

2. Mix the shortening and the peanut butter.

You can use a mixer but since mine has not come in the mail I just folded them together and it worked out great!

3. Mix in sugars and fold/mix until light and fluffy.

4. Add the egg, milk and vanilla. Continue to beat/mix well.

5. In a separate smaller bowl combine the flour, baking soda and salt. Gradually mix the dry mix into the peanut butter mixture.

6. Shape the dough into 1-inch balls and roll them in the extra white sugar.

7. Place the sugared dough onto an ungreased cookie sheet and bake for about 8-10 minutes.

They will come out looking about the same shape that they had when you put them in, but don’t be alarmed.

8. While the cookies are baking, unwrap however many Hershey’s Kisses that you need so that you will have them ready when the cookies are done baking.

9. Pull out the cookies, they should be lightly browned, and immediately place a Hershey’s Kiss on each cookie and press down slightly.

This will give it the flat cookie shape.

You can use whatever flavor Kisses that you like. I think they’re just a little more colorful with the Swirl Kisses.

You can either enjoy them at home or do what I did and gently place them in little plastic bags and tie a red ribbon on top.


As a warning though, be careful when you package them because it will take some time for the Kisses to harden again. They will be melty for quite a while. But that’s what makes it so delicious right?

Enjoy and Happy Valentine’s Day!

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