Tag Archives: san antonio spurs

Everyday life in Hawaii


Thought I would just post some pictures of what I’ve been up to everyday while I’m here.

Nothing too crazy.

First picture is of some Taro Boba Milk Tea! Which was delicious! I ordered a small but it turned out to be pretty big.


This was the picture from the first day of school.

It was raining pretty hard in the morning but there’s always a rainbow during/after so I thought it’d be cool to show you guys.

It sucked for me though. Unprepared. No umbrella. Wearing a see through shirt.



And this was the second day of school.

Still raining. Still unprepared. But at least this time I was NOT wearing a see through shirt. Phew~


Took me about 2-3 days of working on it after school but I finished the 1000 piece underwater puzzle that I had bought over Thanksgiving vacation in LA.

It was actually a lot of fun. (No Mark did not help me put it together).

I think this is what happens when you are an only child. Board games don’t really do it for you but a PUZZLE! Now THAT’S a WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY! Oh man did I love putting together puzzles when I was a kid.

No I did not have a sad childhood, thank you very much. I just like what I like. That’s all.

And now it’s time to look for another one to complete!2013-01-09_17-25-53_185

Watched the Lakers vs Spurs game yesterday.

And I was like all other Lakers fans yesterday, greatly disappointed.

Man, being so many games under .500 SUCKS!

WE HAD IT TOO! I thought we were SO lucky when Parker through it out of bounds but NO. We have to F*** it up like we always do in the 4th quarter. Typical Lakers. *Sigh*

I like the Spurs though but this would have been a good win for the Lakers. A girl can dream.

And Dwight Howard, Jordan Hill and Pau Gasol are out for tomorrow’s game.

I thought the injuries would be not as frequent now that we’re back at a regular season but again I was mistaken.



(And I NEVER wanted him in the first place!)



We went and had some yogurt yesterday so that made things a lot better.

Yogurt: Peppermint, Taro and Plain Tart with Rainbow Sprinkles and Mochi! YUM!

And I started writing and editing for the University paper! I am so excited!

I’ll post a link to the University blog to which I will probably be posting to.


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Record Breaking Night for the Spurs

The Spurs had an amazing night last night with a record breaking 20 3-pointers out of 30 attempts.

Can you believe that? Holy shit!

The Mavs did NOT stand a chance…

Here is the breakdown:

Kawhi Leonard 3-7

Daniel Green 7-8

Tony Parker 2-2

Boris Diaw 1-1

Emanuel Ginobili 1-1

Stephen Jackson 2-5

Gary Neal 1-3

Patrick Mills 1-1

Matt Bonner 2-2

Pretty impressive no?

The Spurs ended up crushing the Dallas Mavericks 129-91. The Mavs having a tough season with Dirk’s absence but even with his return last night it wasn’t enough to match up to the Spur’s incredible offence. Which makes the Spurs 21-8 while the Mavs are 12-16.

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NBA season already?

Tony Parker was a BEAST! I knew the Spurs had this under their belt! OKC needs to figure out their team dynamics now that Harden is gone. Ibaka needs to step up but not like how he did the other day. Double Technical already man? It would suck to see the Thunder going downhill just because they don’t have Harden anymore. I’m sure they’ll figure everything out and be able to get things back on track for the rest of the season.

And what happened to Russell Westbrook? He was like Rondo from the other night. Just GONE! Making 6 out of 21 field goals? That’s worse than Kobe on a bad day!

But you have to give it to Leonard, dude got 5 steals that night! It was crazy! Haven’t seen a rookie improve that much in a LONG time.

And that full court pass by Duncan? Unbelievable! Man Duncan is the master of Full court passes!

And is it just me or is the new Spurs jersey just really ugly? What was wrong with the old jersey? The new jersey looks like something you would find at a flea market stall in the streets of Hong Kong. FAKE. It also makes them look like old men in pajamas. Please don’t tell me some art academy student designed this shit? You’d think with being such a well rounded and successful team that they would have top designers on jerseys. Maybe Peter Holt was just wasted when they pitched this idea to him. I rather have “Los Spurs” rather than just a big spur on the front. It kind of looks like a bad Forever 21 design. Whatever.

And in other NBA news I am so happy to have Ray Allen on the Heat. Man was he on fire the other night! Everyone on the Heat was making those 3 pointers like nobody’s business! And Ray Allen has still got it! I also won a steak dinner thanks to the Heat so I am one happy camper! Yummmmm…

And since the NBA season has started again I will write more!

And red does nothing for Harden. Just saying.

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Thunder vs Spurs – Game 5 (SOME BULLSHIT CALLS)

I don’t know if you guys were watching the game or not but there were a lot of horseshit calls today. Mostly taking place in the 2nd half. But it didn’t really matter because the Thunder have this under their control! They were dominating in the first half and they continued to bring their A game for the rest of the second half.

It’s moments like these:

and these:

that Thunder fans and all NBA fans live for.

If you missed it pay close attention right around the 6-7 second mark. Look at Westbrook ROAR as he makes that alley oop from KD!

Did you see that back court violation? Now THAT was a bullshit call. Westbrook never had control of the ball and they were starting so close to half court.  Those refs were just full of shit all throughout the game.

Not to mention that play with Leonard and Sefolosha. Leonard fouled him and everyone knows it! He fouled him and shoved him out of bounds, it doesn’t matter if Sefolosha’s back arm touched the ball last.

And Tony Parker needs to stop playing the victim. No one has fouled you so stop throwing yourself to the ground every time there is the least bit of contact from another player. At one point he was just on the ground grabbing his cheek. Grow up.

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I am so disappointed in the Thunder…

and actually surprised that the Spurs have managed to keep their shit together throughout the playoffs this year.

I don’t really have anything against the Spurs, I actually like them a lot as a team but after losing a few bets on some bad playoff series that included the Spurs I’ve stopped putting too much faith in them. Guess I was wrong about that this year huh?

I just don’t know what is going on with the Thunder. They need to mix things up and step up their defensive game to match the level at which the Spurs are playing at this year.

The Spurs only had a better shooting percentage when it came to Field Goals but they were able to work together as a team to win Game 2 at home. 5 players scored in the double digits and Tony Parker had the most points today with 34.

Not really happy with that Ibaka/Jackson Technical shit that was going on.

I’m really happy that the Thunder were able to shorten the Spurs 22 point lead but it wasn’t enough. Maybe with Perkins on the floor things might have been different?

I really hope the Thunder bring their A game from here on out. I know they’ve been working hard but coach needs to change things up if he wants to see a change in his team.

I believe in you Thunder! Don’t let me down!

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Thunder advances.

Clean win against the Mavs.

Maybe next time Dirk.

Whenever I think of KD anymore I can’t help but think of his Doodle Jump/Sprint commercial. I ended up downloading the game because of the commercial but it was just so so. Nothing too special about it. I’m going to go back to playing Draw Something and Hang Something or other.

Thunder vs Lakers will be an awesome upcoming series and Mark and I are very much looking forward to it. It feels like it was just yesterday when we were at the Playoffs games 2 years ago between the Lakers and the Thunder. The Thunder won’t be as easy to beat this year so the Lakers will have to bring all that they’ve got to make it a good series of games.

I’m sure we’ll have our own bets going on when the time comes for them.

We’ll be able to watch the Playoffs from Hong Kong…right? RIGHT?

I’d be happy too if Fisher could get another ring before Kobe.

It is what it is. Good thing he’s not on the Rockets. Phew~!

Spurs advance.

A little love kiss between Tim Duncan and Al Jefferson. An unrequited love met with such a bitter ending.

I’ll still be your bottom bitch Tim!

Hahaha. I’m just kidding. Love the angling on this picture though. Just priceless.

Let’s face it, the Jazz never had a chance and neither did the Mavs.

Still no Championship for the Jazz. Better luck next year.

I have the Spurs beating either the Grizzlies or the Clippers but losing to the Thunder or the Lakers. I’ve been disappointed before by the Spurs. No longer will I bet on them to win anything. I learned my lesson the first time around.

Clippers lead Grizzlies 3-1

I think they call this position the “Saucy Spoon”.

Come on guys, get a hotel room.

But anyways, I am going to puke. Not only do I absolutely despise the Clippers but I actually bet that the Grizzlies would take the Series…UGH. I might be out some moolah! AND IT WAS SUCH A CLOSE GAME YESTERDAY!!!!!!!! UGH…

I was watching during work and it seemed like it just went on forever. I still believe in Marc and OJ! LETS DO THIS SHIT!

Predictions and Hopes for Today’s Game Schedule

-Lakers close out the Nuggets, once and for all.

-76ers prove that the Bulls are nothing without Rose.

-Pacers halt the Magic’s attempt at a comeback.

-Hawks rise above the Celtics with a last minute clinch!

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