Tag Archives: shaved ice

Goodies from Taiwan!


My friend Olivo has come to visit from Taiwan!

I’m so excited to go out and have fun together!

She brought me SO MUCH STUFF! It’s just CRAZY!!!

On top is Tea and more tea and baguette crackers~ Tea from Taiwan is so good!


Potato chips drizzled with chocolate, shrimp crackers, caramel corn


Chocolate crackers, Egg Sachima, different senbei like snacks! made with black bean, peach, green tea…SO DELICIOUS!


An overall shot of everything.


More shrimp crackers, a bag full of hard candy, Kiki Lala notepaper, bath bombs!


Banana Chocolate Pocky and lots of amazing makeup and creams!

I love Asian makeup! I can’t spend money on makeup because I feel like it is such a waste so whenever someone gets me some I am so excited!

After I picked her up and she got a chance to unpack and rest a little bit we went out for a walk around the neighborhood so she could get her bearings.


I had to stop by Kakaako Kool and get some shaved ice with condensed milk!

Always so delicious.

She had a credit card minimum so I just told the lady to charge me the minimum and that I didn’t need to pick out anything else but she was so nice that she came outside and gave me a bag of white chocolate dipped macadamia nuts that they package there!


After that we went out to dinner. We tried to go to Genius Lounge but it was PACKED! I know it was Friday night but damn! So we walked around for a bit and decided to go to our default place, Fatty’s. I love it there but I was just worried about feeding my Taiwanese friend Chinese food for her first meal here but she liked it there too so it worked out okay.

2013-01-11_19-51-21_745 (1)

I had the spicy beef noodle like always. Yum!


Then we went to Yogurtland for some dessert! Yay for cute Sanrio cups! The pink one says ‘Honolulu’ and the blue one on the right says ‘San Francisco’ on it. I kept some of the spoons they gave out too. But I threw the cups away…I’m not THAT crazy. Lolz.


And I put together everything into a little bowl today so we can all share! Yay!

Now it’s time for some football! Let’s go Broncos!

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They say it’s your birthday!

My birthday has been AMAZING!

It kind of actually started yesterday! Mark got me all new tires yesterday for my baby which was such an amazing and thoughtful gift!

Now I can be safer on the road! Hahaha. I’ve worn out my tired some because of all that racing but now they’re all nice and new again! Muhahaha!

Also got some Ohagi rice balls yesterday at Ala Moana! YUM! It’s so hard for me to find these so whenever I do I get so happy and nostalgic for Japan…

Scrumdiddlyumpcious! Mmm Mm!

I also got to watch the end of the Suns game as well as the beginning of the Lakers game yesterday while we were waiting for them to change my tires.

I don’t know what I would do without Yelp!

And after all that tire changing goodness we went to Korean BBQ and Karaoke because of Mark’s promotion! Yay!

I actually had a lot of fun, there were some fun characters last night. It was like I was in an episode of the pale version of Jersey Shore but with military people. They can just call it North Shore, a bunch of pale white guys getting piss drunk and singing Madonna songs. PRICELESS!

And guess what I woke up to this morning?


Mark woke up at 6 in the morning to drive to this 5 star donut place to get me fresh donuts for my birthday.

They were so fresh that they just melted in my mouth.

Yeah, be jealous.

And if that wasn’t awesome enough, after all the sugary sticky goodness we went for a drive all around the island. It was the perfect day outside so it was gorgeous!

Right after I took this picture this country bumpkin family walked out onto the beach. Boy was it weird. The Dad looked like Darrell from Storage Wars, they had 3 little boys with Mohawks, 1 older son who looked kind of like a taller chubbier Bobby from King of the Hill, Mom had half red half blond hair braided and they brought their uncle Jimmy with them and guess what he was wearing?

A famer hat, a hawaiian shirt and overalls. STRAIGHT UP OVERALLS! DOWN TO THE GROUND OVERALLS!

I wanted to take a picture but: a) it had just started sprinkling/raining and b) I didn’t really want to be beat up.

God…it was so weird though.

Then we went to get some Mexican which was delicious.

I had fresh clams cooked in Garlic butter with a side of Spanish rice. It was actually really good. Yum Yum!

And after that for dessert we had the best shaved ice this side of the west coast!

We went to Matsumoto’s shaved ice. Mark got Cherry, Grape and Orange and I got Watermelon and Strawberry with condensed milk. This shit is good! Who thought you could make shaved ice into something so mind blowingly delicious!

I’ll take whoever comes to visit! That has to be an incentive right? Lolz.

And then it was back to the road for some more adventures!

Gorgeous am I right?

Okay well I still have plans for the rest of tonight!

Being in Hawaii just makes EVERYTHING better. Yuuuuuuuuuuuup!

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I’m a fat kid…on the inside

Thank god it doesn’t show on the outside! Hahaha.

I usually write about basketball and I probably will again after this post but I haven’t written down what I’ve been doing with my life, just what other people have been doing with theirs so here goes!

My voice is still completely gone though…

Friday I had a day off so I spent it with…Phoebe! We had some QUALITY girl time and we got to talk about a lot of things. She hasn’t really explored LA too much yet so I decided to show her around so I drove basically EVERYWHERE from 4 o’clock on out. I took her to Wackos and it literally BLEW her mind. Didn’t spend TOO much time there because I was hungry so we went to go eat at Umami Burger. FUCK IT WAS GOOD! Well…it’s ALWAYS good. I got to see all the usual people and Scott came in to work while we were eating too!

What did I have to eat…A something Poutine Burger? I don’t know what it was but it was delicious!

Mushrooms + Cheese + Beef Patty + ON A BED OF FUCKING FRIES.
Can I get another one please?
And then Scott brought out this CRAZY dessert!

Two layers of thin oatmeal cookies that were like deep fried with caramel sauce and ice cream on top. I thought I had died and gone to heaven! FUCK it was good…

And then I drove down Laurel Canyon all the way to Studio City which was pretty nice. I bought a new black dress but no pictures yet…sorry. Walked around, talked some more.

Then I drove back to my place and we swapped some clothes, talked, tried to watch some stuff but didn’t really have a chance to because we were talking so much. All in all it was an AWESOME day! It was my first time hanging out with Phoebe but it felt like we had been friends forever! I’m sad it’s not going to happen more often…with me moving and everything. I just hope everyone comes to visit me sometime.

Saturday I went to work. It was busy but I was working a private party so it wasn’t bad at all. I had some…Fat C**** that attended and DIDN’T tip but fuck her.

And then I went out with Setsu. I had a bunch of stuff to give her since I’m moving so it made for a nice opportunity to hang out and talk like old times. I think we’ve known each other … god I don’t even know how many years it’s been. It’s been a LONG time, that’s for sure.

We went to eat Pho because we had both been craving it so it was AWESOME! Syracuse losing wasn’t awesome but I got over it. (No I didn’t). Apparently Amy’s parents drove 4 hours to NC to watch the Kansas game. That’s hardcore. I have faith that they’ll win. Not even sweating it.

After that we went to this place called Yellow House near my house. It’s literally less than a mile from my house and I’ve never been there. UGH…but there’s a good reason why. I hate rude servers. COME ON! I’M FUCKING PAY YOU TO WORK, DON’T TALK BACK TO ME!

Gross. This is what it looks like anyways.

Or the Inside/Outside anyways. The ACTUAL outside is a big yellow house. I’m sorry but it looks gay as fuck. I call it like I see it.

The nurse told me not to have any soda, caffeine, dairy or any of that good stuff but I saw an Almond Roca Latte on the menu so I couldn’t resist! Too bad it sucked donkey balls. It tasted like that stuff you make by adding those coffee packets they have at hotel rooms with hot water, like watered down shit. It was gross. Sorry Setsu. She ended up getting a Shaved Ice with Fruit, which also looked disgusting…ugh fruit. Whoever thought ice + condensed milk + fruit + strawberry ice cream + fruity pebbles was a good idea should be hung.

And they also had smores on the menu so I thought, hey why not?


WHAT? AM I OUT IN THE FOREST? I don’t want to make my own god damn smores AND pay for it! Who do these people think I am? REALLY?


Oh and you know what else happened?

I asked the server for a plate and instead of saying okay do you know what he says?

“Oh that doesn’t come with a plate”.




I am NEVER going there again…I’m sticking to my normal cafes.

Setsu and I talked a lot too which was nice. I’m glad I was able to get some more stuff out of my room. It’s so hard to clean! … But I’m getting there…slowly but surely.

Today I just went to work and it was busy as fuck. It’s raining in LA today so once people got seated they just REFUSED to leave…I had people waiting over an hour for a table. Oh well. It is what it is. As long as we made some bank tip today…I’m good. I was also talking with a coworker about going to the Lakers @ Clippers game but it’s so expensive. Ugh…it WOULD be nice to go to one more game this season before I leave and before the playoffs… Mark and I should be back for the Playoffs. Not too sure what’s happening this year because we’re going to Hong Kong but I’m sure we’ll figure something out…

Yay for yearly traditions! Woo! OH YEAH PLAYOFF GAMES HERE I COME!

I’ll figure out if we’re going or not. I still have some time.

Oh and before I end this entry…look what I got for my cousin!

I bought him a Nike JUST DO IT shirt and a hat from the Pop Up Shop at work. Pretty neat right? He’s going to be the coolest kid in 6th grade! Hahaha.

AH THE THUNDER BEAT THE HEAT! I don’t know if I should be happy or sad…

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