Tag Archives: birthday

Birthday Gifts for my Mother


It was my Mother’s birthday on Thursday but since I couldn’t spend it with her I sent her some awesome gifts to make up for it!

Although she keeps telling me NOT to spend money on her but she’s my mother. I can’t help it!


First I sent her some Chippers which are Chocolate Covered Potato Chips that they only make in Fargo, ND. She ended up sharing these with the family and the kids really liked them! And we also bought some for us to eat at home and for Mark to take to the office. Apparently they were gone in a heartbeat.


Also sent her a box of Lindt chocolate that I got at the Mall of America. My mother and I LOVE Lindt chocolate so I thought it would only be right.

In all honesty, we don’t eat too much chocolate but if it’s either Lindt or See’s we’ll usually indulge ourselves. My mother and I both love chocolate with either rum and/or nuts in it. It’s just the pirate inside of us!


I also got her a Lombard Street San Francisco magnet since my mother collects location specific magnets. I tried to find the exact magnet online but had no luck but this picture speaks for itself. Most crooked street in the world. Isn’t it just gorgeous??

51h+8+0q4kL._SL500_AA300_Also got her some tea from Teavana since they were having a sale. I picked the Peach Momotaro blooming tea!

It smelled really good and my mother loves all different kinds of tea so I thought she would enjoy it.

And who doesn’t love a little bargain right?

And last but not least Mark and I got her a red Michael Kors tote bag. I thought it was cute and just my mother’s style so I knew I had to get it for her!


Happy Birthday Mother! Love you!

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Who told you I like Magic?!

This is what I saw on the way to the Magic of Polynesia show at the Holiday Inn in Waikiki.

I want a “Porch of fuckin Indecision”!

I go there when I’m not really sure what to do with my life…hahaha

Which isn’t very often but when the time comes it is pretty handy.

Had a drink since it was my birthday but it was WEAK!

I couldn’t even taste the alcohol. If I’m paying $10+ dollars I want to be able to taste the Rum in there.

I guess it is what it is.

It was a pretty entertaining magic show. Mark remembered that I liked magic and since I went to the Magic Castle for my birthday last year it was a nice treat to have a little tradition going on for my birthday celebration.

I mean…who DOESN’T like magic?

They also had Polynesian dancers which was a nice touch.

We’ve also been going to Yogurtland pretty frequently.

They don’t change their flavors but I guess it’s kind of hard when you’re on an island. But I’m not complaining…they have both the Birthday Cupcake Batter and the Red Velvet Cake Batter so I am a happy camper!

It’s a nice long walk down to Yogurtland so it always feel like a bit of a reward.

And guess what I came home to the other day?

Cinnabon Churros!

Isn’t that the sweetest thing ever? They were pretty delicious too!


There is one thing that sucks about Hawaii. They keep playing all these commercials for different restaurants that don’t exist here in Hawaii.

There is no Sonics.
There is no IN n OUT.
There is no Del Taco.

And just as I typed that a Sonics commercial came on.

I can’t even remember all of them! Meh. It’s okay.

But look what Mark got me for a belated birthday gift while I was getting my hair and makeup done?

He got me a Tokidoki x Barbie shirt! It’s so cute! Haha it even kind of looks like me. Yay. Haha.

All in all I had an amazing birthday!

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They say it’s your birthday!

My birthday has been AMAZING!

It kind of actually started yesterday! Mark got me all new tires yesterday for my baby which was such an amazing and thoughtful gift!

Now I can be safer on the road! Hahaha. I’ve worn out my tired some because of all that racing but now they’re all nice and new again! Muhahaha!

Also got some Ohagi rice balls yesterday at Ala Moana! YUM! It’s so hard for me to find these so whenever I do I get so happy and nostalgic for Japan…

Scrumdiddlyumpcious! Mmm Mm!

I also got to watch the end of the Suns game as well as the beginning of the Lakers game yesterday while we were waiting for them to change my tires.

I don’t know what I would do without Yelp!

And after all that tire changing goodness we went to Korean BBQ and Karaoke because of Mark’s promotion! Yay!

I actually had a lot of fun, there were some fun characters last night. It was like I was in an episode of the pale version of Jersey Shore but with military people. They can just call it North Shore, a bunch of pale white guys getting piss drunk and singing Madonna songs. PRICELESS!

And guess what I woke up to this morning?


Mark woke up at 6 in the morning to drive to this 5 star donut place to get me fresh donuts for my birthday.

They were so fresh that they just melted in my mouth.

Yeah, be jealous.

And if that wasn’t awesome enough, after all the sugary sticky goodness we went for a drive all around the island. It was the perfect day outside so it was gorgeous!

Right after I took this picture this country bumpkin family walked out onto the beach. Boy was it weird. The Dad looked like Darrell from Storage Wars, they had 3 little boys with Mohawks, 1 older son who looked kind of like a taller chubbier Bobby from King of the Hill, Mom had half red half blond hair braided and they brought their uncle Jimmy with them and guess what he was wearing?

A famer hat, a hawaiian shirt and overalls. STRAIGHT UP OVERALLS! DOWN TO THE GROUND OVERALLS!

I wanted to take a picture but: a) it had just started sprinkling/raining and b) I didn’t really want to be beat up.

God…it was so weird though.

Then we went to get some Mexican which was delicious.

I had fresh clams cooked in Garlic butter with a side of Spanish rice. It was actually really good. Yum Yum!

And after that for dessert we had the best shaved ice this side of the west coast!

We went to Matsumoto’s shaved ice. Mark got Cherry, Grape and Orange and I got Watermelon and Strawberry with condensed milk. This shit is good! Who thought you could make shaved ice into something so mind blowingly delicious!

I’ll take whoever comes to visit! That has to be an incentive right? Lolz.

And then it was back to the road for some more adventures!

Gorgeous am I right?

Okay well I still have plans for the rest of tonight!

Being in Hawaii just makes EVERYTHING better. Yuuuuuuuuuuuup!

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Money Shot!

Hey you guys!

IT’S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY! But I’ll do a full update about my birthday later. I still have all day to enjoy it.

But…just in case you guys missed it here’s Manny Harris’ money shot last night against the Knicks!

I think the Bulls have the game today against the Mavs.

We’ll see if the Jazz can keep their spot in the Western conference or if the Suns can make a last push towards making the playoffs.

Their loss today against the Nuggets really didn’t help anything either.

Back to watching the game.


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