Tag Archives: beach

Fashion YES of the Day


So I’ve been posting a couple fashion NO’s here and there but my classmate wore the most fabulous pants the other day and I just HAD to share!

My friend here is wearing a classic plain black tank top with a gorgeous pair of Ralph Lauren Navy blue striped capris.

This simple look paired with sandals is perfect for the beach or for everyday life.

The pants are from Savers (thrift store) and were apparently only $7!

What a steal!

So ladies, stay classy and simple and it’s a win win for everybody!

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Bellows Air Force Beach Park

We took a little trip to Bellows Air Force Beach Park today and boy was it gorgeous!

It’s a private military beach near Kaneohe in Oahu. The sun was shining, the winds blew a cool breeze.

I actually had a lot of fun. My friend Olivo is visiting from Taiwan so she took most of these beautiful shots of us.



Reading for class~ I feel like being at the beach is one of the only times where I get any good amount of reading done.



Me and Olivo on the beach~


Happy Sunday everyone!

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My amazing Saturday

School started last week so it’s been a bit hectic but I’m getting used to my schedule little by little so I’m pretty happy about that.

I have class Mon/Wed/Fri and I work Tue/Thur/Sun so no work/school conflict which is amazing!~ Thank you Travis!

But guess what I did on my one day off? EVERYTHING!

It was time to get a new phone plan along with new phones so that’s just what we did first thing in the morning. I chose the Droid Razer Maxx or whatever it’s called. It’s a little different from my old Droid X so it’s going to take a little getting used to but I like my phone so far. My wallpaper is this cat rolling around on an office chair. IT IS ADORABLE!

What did we do after that? What else but go to the beach at Bellows Air Force Base!

Clear blue waters and not TOO many kids. Win-Win-Win! I made sure we were seated as far away from the little beasts. Do I want sand kicked in my face and constant screaming? Um. No.

And for those of you who know me know I don’t like the water, sand or anything like that so instead I got to do a little reading while I was there.

I decided to reread Candide since we’re using it as a model for our own satiric masterpieces. And I have to say, I did like it better the second time around. I still say that my favorite piece of satiric work is Don Quixote, hands down. Come on, Don Quixote threw up in Sancho Panza’s mouth! Ah~ classic.

And while we were there I picked up these cute post it memos that they had at the shop! I’m going to use them for the photo albums and scrapbooks I want to make. They’d make pretty adorable additions to my already cute photo album! Yes they are to die for! Be jealous!

But my day doesn’t end there! There was a Goodwill Glam Sale at the Blaisdell Arena and since it’s right down the street from where I live I thought it’d be fun to go check out what they have going on. I ended up paying $2 admission because I had my military ID. Yay! And boy did I pick up a handful of stuff.

Not pictured is a shirt I picked up for my father-in-law but upon bringing it home Mark said that it would NOT fit his dad. Fail. So I’m sending it to my sugar baby instead. I’m sure he’ll appreciate it. I hope it fits his style though…Hmmm…

But before I go into detail about what I bought, look at these beautiful cars they had on exhibit at the back of the hall. GORGEOUS!

I just stood there drooling for a little bit but then continued shopping.

I got the Hello Kitty purse and the Tokidoki pouch at a steal of a price! My cousins are going to love these when I send them home for Christmas! And the last purse is for me. It’s nothing special but it was colorful AND it had zebra print and that was all it took to get me to buy it. Sad but it’s true.

And I bought this vintage-y dress that I absolutely fell in love with! Mark just thought it was whatever but I love it and that’s all that matters. And it fits perfectly too!

I also got this summer dress because I CAN’T WEAR ANY OF MY LITTLE BLACK DRESSES HERE BECAUSE IT IS TOO HOT! UGH! But I thought the dress was cute and I’ll be happy because I’ll finally be able to wear something that I’ve bought.

Oh and to top off everything of the day Mark and I went to a Roller Derby match right here in Honolulu. I used to love going while I was in LA so it was nice to be able to go in Hawaii as well. They didn’t have a real track and some of the rules were different but we enjoyed ourselves nonetheless.

Overall I had a pretty amazing Saturday. Yup! Hope everyone is having as much fun with their life as I am!

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4th of July

Happy Belated 4th of July everyone!

Mark and I had an amazing day filled with lazing around the house during the afternoon and going out at night to eat and get our fireworks fix for the year.  We played some video games, watched Bridezillas and then made our way down to Ala Moana to see if we could find a new King size mattress so we could put the current bed we have into the guestroom for when our friends and family come to visit. Sears WAS having a 60% off sale on all the mattresses but Mark wanted to think about it more before purchase so we made it down to the food court to get a little treat before we headed back home.

I got some Japanese rice balls (which I get every time I’m at Ala Moana because I just can’t resist) and Mark got a chocolate dipped soft serve at DQ. I hate ordering at the DQ at Ala Moana. These stupid Ch**** won’t sell me just the cone. JUST CHARGE ME WHATEVER YOU WANT! I DON’T WANT THE GOD DAMN ICE CREAM. Angry…

Then we drove back home because parking at Ala Moana was just a disaster because everyone was going to the beach yesterday so around dinner time we walked and had some DELICIOUS Korean BBQ for our 4th of July dinner. I LOVE this place! I’m so glad they have All-You-Can-Eat KBBQ in Hawaii…I don’t know if I would be able to survive without it!

When else do I get to eat meat practically raw? (Except at like the SUPER expensive steak houses).

And then it was time for fireworks on the beach/park! It kind of sucked because I think we both got a lot of bug bites from being there but it was a pretty awesome fireworks show so I’m happy.

I had an awesome Fourth of July and I hope everyone else did too!

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They say it’s your birthday!

My birthday has been AMAZING!

It kind of actually started yesterday! Mark got me all new tires yesterday for my baby which was such an amazing and thoughtful gift!

Now I can be safer on the road! Hahaha. I’ve worn out my tired some because of all that racing but now they’re all nice and new again! Muhahaha!

Also got some Ohagi rice balls yesterday at Ala Moana! YUM! It’s so hard for me to find these so whenever I do I get so happy and nostalgic for Japan…

Scrumdiddlyumpcious! Mmm Mm!

I also got to watch the end of the Suns game as well as the beginning of the Lakers game yesterday while we were waiting for them to change my tires.

I don’t know what I would do without Yelp!

And after all that tire changing goodness we went to Korean BBQ and Karaoke because of Mark’s promotion! Yay!

I actually had a lot of fun, there were some fun characters last night. It was like I was in an episode of the pale version of Jersey Shore but with military people. They can just call it North Shore, a bunch of pale white guys getting piss drunk and singing Madonna songs. PRICELESS!

And guess what I woke up to this morning?


Mark woke up at 6 in the morning to drive to this 5 star donut place to get me fresh donuts for my birthday.

They were so fresh that they just melted in my mouth.

Yeah, be jealous.

And if that wasn’t awesome enough, after all the sugary sticky goodness we went for a drive all around the island. It was the perfect day outside so it was gorgeous!

Right after I took this picture this country bumpkin family walked out onto the beach. Boy was it weird. The Dad looked like Darrell from Storage Wars, they had 3 little boys with Mohawks, 1 older son who looked kind of like a taller chubbier Bobby from King of the Hill, Mom had half red half blond hair braided and they brought their uncle Jimmy with them and guess what he was wearing?

A famer hat, a hawaiian shirt and overalls. STRAIGHT UP OVERALLS! DOWN TO THE GROUND OVERALLS!

I wanted to take a picture but: a) it had just started sprinkling/raining and b) I didn’t really want to be beat up.

God…it was so weird though.

Then we went to get some Mexican which was delicious.

I had fresh clams cooked in Garlic butter with a side of Spanish rice. It was actually really good. Yum Yum!

And after that for dessert we had the best shaved ice this side of the west coast!

We went to Matsumoto’s shaved ice. Mark got Cherry, Grape and Orange and I got Watermelon and Strawberry with condensed milk. This shit is good! Who thought you could make shaved ice into something so mind blowingly delicious!

I’ll take whoever comes to visit! That has to be an incentive right? Lolz.

And then it was back to the road for some more adventures!

Gorgeous am I right?

Okay well I still have plans for the rest of tonight!

Being in Hawaii just makes EVERYTHING better. Yuuuuuuuuuuuup!

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