Tag Archives: 2012

Commercial of the Day

Ridin Dirty~

I saw it for the first time today but apparently it’s 11 months old?

Still put a smile on my face, that’s for sure.

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Why did you have to leave us?

So I was like, “Why are the Charlotte Bobcats doing so well?”

Answer? Two words.

Ramon Sessions.

And what are with all the jersey changes this year?

Just because the end of the world is coming this year DOESN’T MEAN that we can just let go of our understanding of stylishness and fashion.

Really? All it says is just “CATS”?

What, are they all going to come out and preform a number from the musical cats? Can you imagine Ramon Sessions and Brendan Haywood singing Allegorical Cats? Really guys? It’s gotten just plain silly now. The Lakers might as well have a big lake on their jerseys if this is how we’re looking at things now.

The Lakers should have kept Ramon Sessions…we’d be doing a lot better than we are now. That’s for sure.

But I’m happy that he is at least on a winning team. He at least deserves that much.

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Lebron James Trick Shot

Mark told me about this so I knew I had to share this with you guys. Look at Lebron’s crazy trick shot that he’s been doing at the Olympic games practice sessions. It’s pretty gnarly. Watching Kevin Durant try and do it too is pretty funny.

Good Luck Team USA! I know you guys will continue to kick some SERIOUS ass!

And for those of you who have already seen this clip, watch this other one that Mark showed me. Dennis Rodman vs Karl Malone WRESTLING circa 1998. Yeah that’s right, I said Wrestling.

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NBA Draft Pick Tonight! (Or this afternoon if you live where I live)

So anyone can write their analysis of who’s going to get picked when so I thought I’d make this Draft entry unique to me. Some of you asked for something similar with those who had gotten their Championship rings but I thought, hey why not do it with Draft picks?

What in the hell am I talking about?

I’m talking about the Bug Eyed players who are going to get swept up tonight! Maybe those big round eyes give them an advantage that we’re not all seeing.

And for those of you who haven’t yet seen my original post, here it is:


And who better to start with than Mr. #1 draft pick himself, Anthony Unibrow Davis.

Not the BEST picture to show off his big eyes but for those of you who have been following him his whole UK career know what I’m talking about. Awww…He has that whole Chris Bosh ROAR going on!

Everyone has this kid as Draft Pick #1 and there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that the New Orleans Hornets are going to snatch him up the second the drafts begin.

Davis is a defensive BEAST!

Much needed on the NOH this bug eyed monster is one to keep an eye out for in the future.


Almost skipped over Andre Drummond.

This one is a little give and take. I think he has more of that Tim Duncan sad puppy eyes thing going on but hey, Tim has 4 rings and Andre is up at #7 this year for a potential draft so there might be something to it. Maybe I’ve been looking at this thing all wrong. Maybe I should be studying sad puppy dog eyes instead of bug eyed players…

We’ll figure it out one blog analysis at a time.

Drummond is one of those players that creeps up on people. He just keeps getting better and better to the point where you can’t ignore him anymore.

He might be JUST the team player that the Warriors needed after this rough season. It doesn’t hurt to have a big man on the team either.


Mr. Austin Rivers

Sometimes his eyes look normal and then sometimes you get a shot like this:

where it makes you question if he’s one of the bug eyeds that we all need to watch out for. I guess this is one of those ones where we’ll have to wait and see if his eyes get bigger and wiser with age and experience.

Most may remember him from the Duke vs Carolina game. Buzzer beater 3 pointer for the win? Not bad for a freshman…not bad at all. Doc Rivers must be proud of his up and coming star of a son. Hell, I would be too.

He must’ve only gotten half of Doc Rivers bug eyes. With talent like that in the family I don’t doubt his son will excel although I’m kind of worried about the freshmans leaving Duke stuff. I guess it is what it is. If he’s ready to leave the nest, fly! FLY!

Rivers is the fourth player to leave Duke after their freshman year to go pro.
1. Corey Maggette (1999) Kind of sad what happened there.
2. Luol Deng (2004) Had a great year and would’ve been fun to see his full potential during the playoffs…or maybe we DID see his full potential… Hopefully he’ll just come back with full force next season.
3. Kyrie Irving (2011) Doing great on the Cavs and maybe he’ll have a chance at the playoffs sooner rather than later.

And since I have to go to work somewhat soon I will skip to the last most obvious bug eyed player in the draft today and that is Jeremy Lamb, without a doubt.

This UCONN Sophomore has a major case of the bug eyes. Like SERIOUSLY.

A key player for the Huskies win in 2011 it will be fun to see how Lamb fares in the NBA.

And we all know the okay but not great Houston Rockets need a little boost to help round out their team for the coming season. Some think he might go to the Suns or even to the Warriors but most believe that the Rockets will snatch this Sophomore up in hopes of a better offensive game.

It’s like they can see something with their eyes that the rest of us can’t see. Although I think Steve Nash’s injured ego and eye have prevented him from grasping the coveted Championship title but two MVPs aren’t bad…I guess. Haha. I’m just joking.

This will be a fun draft pick none the less. Too bad my team traded away all their draft picks. Maybe we can get some trades in the works after the draft…


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It took 9 years but now I can proudly say that Lebron James has that long desired NBA Championship Ring!

It’s all about hard work and working as a team! Sure some pros won Championship Rings their first go around but it took others 7+ seasons to finally get a ring and of course there will always be those amazing players who go their whole career without a ring.


Lebron James x 1

Dwyane Wade x 2

Chris Bosh x 1

Like a boss! Winning all 3 games at home AND winning a game on the road takes some true dedication and this team has got it!

With 6 players in double digits this was truly the way to win one at home! Final scores:

Lebron James 26 points, 11 rebounds, 13 assists, 1 steal and 2 block shots!

Chris Bosh 24 points, 7 rebounds, 1 steal and 2 block shots.

Mike Miller 23 points, 5 rebounds and 1 steal.

Dwyane Wade 20 points, 8 rebounds, 3 assists, 2 steals and 3 block shots.

Shane Battier 11 points, 4 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 steal.

Mario Chalmers 10 points, 2 rebounds, 7 assists and 2 steals.

A stellar job by the 2012 Miami Heat Team!

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Man of the Hour: Mike Miller

I’m sorry I haven’t posted lately guys. I got another job and I’ve been in charge of operations so it’s been busy but guess what?

I’m fighting through this migraine so I can cheer for the Miami Heat!

And guess who came back with full force today? Mike Miller, that’s who!

For those of you who aren’t watching must be wondering why I’m talking about Mike Miller out of all people. Want to know why?

Because this dude has made 4 out of 4, 3 pointers and it’s only the first half! Next to Lebrons 13 points, he is the second leading scorer in the first half!

No clips on youtube yet but you know they’re coming!

Let’s go Heat! Chalmers needs to stop with the turnovers, he’s getting a little heavy handed there.

And after such an impressive Game 4, Russel Westbrook who had made 43 points is now only 2 out of 9. The Heat need to be and stay aggressive to win this! Don’t give them the opportunity to cut the lead short.

And last but not least, NAIL THOSE FREE THROWS! This is KEY to winning this last game against the Thunder.

I laugh at all the top sports critics who said that the Thunder had this series in 6-7 games.

To Abbott, Arnovitz, Barry, Bowen, Broussard, Ford, Legler, Mason, Stein, Wilbon, Windhurst and Young, the “EXPERTS” at ESPN, all I have to say is HAH! HOW DARE YOU DOUBT THE AMAZING TALENTS OF LEBRON JAMES AND HIS PIMP ASS CREW!

We got this!


Mike Cif makes a great point! Mike Miller is playing through many injuries, most of which appear to be chronic. But as we see time and time again injuries are nothing these players can’t handle!

Lebron comes back with a 3 in Game 4 while limping to the line.

Chris Bosh came back with 3 points up the wazoo when he finally came back!

Wade is suffering from back pain from the bump into Ibaka but no matter.

These pros are champions, whether they have their rings yet or not.

But here are those clips I promised you of Miller!

Bosh’s pump fake!

Not to mention this amazing alley oop from Chalmers to Wade!



Little Half Time interview!
6 for 7 three points! HE IS ON FIRE!

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Speaking of weird commercials

I just saw this ridiculous BIG HEAD NBA playoffs commercial during the Thunder vs Spurs game. All I could do was laugh.

It’s like NBA Jam turned into a commercial. Hahaha. I’ll post a better version once it makes itself onto the internet.


Let’s go Thunder!

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Lottery Draft Pick

And even though the Charlotte Bobcats had a 25% chance of getting the #1 NBA Lottery Draft Pick, the rug was pulled from out under their feet and the #1 Pick this year will go to the New Orleans Hornets.

Who else is disappointed?

I mean the Bobcats will still get a good pick regardless because they’re #2 but it’s highly unlikely that they’ll get Anthony Davis who is probably going to be drafted first by the New Orleans Hornets.

But did any of you guys see the Draft on TV? The Cavaliers owner sent his son (who looks 12 but sounds 32) as the Cavs representative. I thought it was pretty funny. WHY DON’T I GET TO BE ON THE NBA DRAFT LOTTERY STAGE AS A REPRESENTATIVE?!?!

He was actually on last year too and he was 14 last year so I guess that means he’s 15 this year.

Here’s his clip from last year:

Here’s the full list if any of you missed it:

1. New Orleans Hornets
2. Charlotte Bobcats
3. Washington Wizards
4. Cleveland Cavaliers
5. Sacramento Kings
6. Portland Trail Blazers (via New Jersey Nets)
7. Golden State Warriors
8. Toronto Raptors
9. Detroit Pistons
10. New Orleans Hornets (via Minnesota Timberwolves)
11. Portland Trail Blazers
12. Milwaukee Bucks
13. Phoenix Suns
14. Houston Rockets

And it’s just like everyone expected…it’s a lose lose scenario for the New Jersey Brooklyn Nets either way. No #1 draft pick and they can say goodbye to Deron Williams. Deron wasn’t going to wait for Anthony Davis to mesh into the Nets and I think he’s done waiting for DH to get to the Nets. Oh well, so much for that.

Let’s go Lebron & the Heat!

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Rack City Bitch

I’m so glad being in Hawaii doesn’t stop me from spotting nice cars. Always nice to see a Bentley somewhere close by. Don’t really care for the soft top or the bumpy edges on the rear but it is what it is.

What have I been doing in Hawaii? Mostly just looking for a job and walking around. Haha.

We found the perfect apartment though! We’ll sign the lease sometime next week. I am SO EXCITED! I’ll post some pictures up when I can.

Oh and guess who picked up their baby from the shipping dock? THIS BITCH RIGHT HERE! I’m so happy to have my car back. I know I can walk to almost anything on this island but it’s just nice to know that my baby will be here with me. It just sucks that I’ll have to give up my California plates though…I think I might just register and get a custom license plate instead of a boring regular Hawaii license. It’s only about $25 more a year so it’s not too bad.

All the California Girl references are taking so maybe I can do something like this…

That one is still available…hmmmm

I guess I’ll have to think about it some more to see what I can come up with. If any of you guys have any suggestions I want to hear them!

Oh and look what other beauty I saw in a shop just yesterday!

Ain’t she a beauty? Someone took REAL good care of her.

And because it’s so close to the playoffs I thought I’d post my bracket. The last few spots might change as the regular season comes to an end but it shouldn’t make too big of a difference in the overall outcome.

And I’m sad we won’t be able to go this year but we’ll start the tradition again next year so I’m pretty excited about that! We’re going to make a trip of it every year and visit a new city and watch a different team go to the playoffs. It’ll be fun.

We’ll see how it goes. I’ll probably end up placing a few bets here and there but that’ll be nothing new. I’m surprised at how many teams have just been KILLING it lately! Just giving it their all as the season comes to a close.

I think Lebron will get his ring this year and another MVP trophy. Who else but the King right?

But if the Thunder or the Bulls won I wouldn’t be as disappointed either. We’ll see who can bring their A game when it comes down to it!

I saw this at an Italian restaurant and I had to take a picture. KING JAMES PIZZA BITCHES! Hahaha.

Pacers vs Bucks game on right now. I wish the Bucks could just win these last few games so they could make it to the playoffs! A girl can dream right? It’s going to be hard to win against the Pacers though, they’ve been on a roll!

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All Star Picks that WEREN’T selected. What happened?

So the NBA 2012 All Star Reserve Picks have been announced. Who else is surprised by not who they picked but who they DIDN’T pick?

For those of you who missed the Reserve Picks, here they are:


1. LaMarcus Aldridge (Forward)

2. Marc Gasol (Center)

3. Kevin Love (Forward – Center)

4. Steve Nash (Guard)

5. Dirk Nowitzki (Forward)

6. Tony Parker (Guard)

7. Russell Westbrook (Guard)


1. Chris Bosh (Forward)

2. Luol Deng (Forward)

3. Roy Hibbert (Center)

4. Andre Iguodala (Forward – Guard)

5. Joe Johnson (Guard)

6. Paul Pierce (Forward)

7. Deron Williams (Guard)

Just like someone said on Twitter:

“Josh smith. Call 911.You got robbed. No mask no gloves- its fingerprints- all over the place call first 48-no call Atlanta CSI- Call the FBI”

I mean what a big surprise right? Me + Ernie, Kenny, Charles and Shaq were all shocked by this. We all had him on our lists! But it seems like the same debate each time, there’s a player that should have been picked but Charles said it best when he said, “We only award winners”. People get overshadowed all the time. The same thing that happened to Josh Smith also happened to people like Jrue Holiday, Darren Collison and Danny Granger. I wouldn’t say they were outshined but when it comes down to it they pick the “winning” players. It would be awesome if they could pick the scorer and the supporter but sometimes it just doesn’t work out that way. It’s like saying Derrick Rose would be nothing without Luol Deng but the same goes for these other supporting players as well. They’re who keep the team scoring and together. With the number of Defensive Rebounds Josh Smith puts out as well as being relatively high scoring, what more could you ask for? Josh is #6 in Blocks, Blocks per game and Defensive Rebounds in 48 minutes. And he’s ranked #2 in Blocks per 48 minutes only beaten out by Thunder’s Serge Ibaka (but he’s in Spain playing Real Madrid right now). He WORKED for this! Lost weight, got into shape and now he’s the best player on the Hawks. He’s what has been keeping this team afloat this season. With Al Horford gone he’s really stepped up to carry his team to where they are now. Let’s compare the stats between the Reserve Forwards that have been picked for the East. (And maybe why don’t we look at Chris Bosh’s stats too while we’re at it).

Chris Bosh

Luol Deng

Andre Iguodala

Paul Pierce

Josh Smith

You can see by just looking at the stats that Josh Smith should have been chosen. It should have been Deng, Iguodala AND Smith’s first All Star game. Yeah he was off to a rocky start but he shaped up this year! There was no reason why he shouldn’t have been chosen. A lot of other amazing players weren’t picked as well. I’ll write more entries! You guys haven’t been forgotten! It’s okay Josh Smith…we’ll get them! And their little dog too!

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