Tag Archives: timberwolves

Christmas Presents & Happy New Year Time!

Happy New Years everyone!

I hope everyone had a good New Year’s Eve last night! And best of wishes to all my followers and friends for the New Year!

Thank you guys for supporting my writing ventures throughout 2012! You guys are the best!

And I know this is a little late but I HAD to share with you guys all the amazing gifts I got for Christmas this year!

First from my hubby Mark!

320605_4992562088652_2108321629_nI got Adventure Time figures

21820_4992557008525_1029334397_nThey’re all from that one Adventure Time episode where the Ice King is reading his own made up story.

532415_4992555008475_785525321_nI ended up placing them on top of the Adventure Time art pieces that Mark had got for me earlier. Isn’t it cute? They fit perfectly!

(And yes, I later ended up switching the placement of the figures because Mark pointed out that it would clearly fit better if in reverse).

424856_4992564888722_218473273_nHe also got me this ADORABLE Lumpy Space Princess shirt!!!!

Oh My Glob! I love this episode!!

And here’s a closeup of the shirt:


Mark knows me so well! ❤

He also got me this absolutely fantastic Tokidoki shirt as well!


He really does spoil me silly…

And there was this art piece at a local boutique that I was totally smitten with and knowing how much I love art he bought it for me for Christmas!

If you see it in person it is absolutely stunning! This person did an amazing job! And it wasn’t that expensive either considering how pricey art usually gets!

And it’s all original too!

The only problem is that I’m not all too sure where I want to hang it… the wind in Hawaii is a huge problem and I’ve had glass frames shatter in a heartbeat so I’m just a little worried. BUT I have been seeing those Command 3M frame stick strips and I think I might just give those a try and see if they really do work as well as they advertise that they do. I’ll have an update about it when I do go ahead and give it the ol’ college try.


And that wasn’t even the last of it!

I’ve been saying for the longest time how much I want to play Ecco since I had such fond memories of it when I was younger that he actually found a copy for me! And luckily enough he still had his dreamcast system back at his parents house so I was psyched when I opened it on Christmas!!!

Sad news is that the controls suck and I can not play for shit! But I will give it another go around once I finish playing Yakuza 4. But I’m still really excited to have it there for me when I do come around to playing it again!!!!


And last but not least…we got to go to a Timberwolves home game the day after Christmas!!

581483_10200207200439529_2139316516_nWe each had a drink and had a blast!

It’s too bad the T-wolves lost to the Rockets though. They were leading the whole game but boy James Harden got lucky with most of his shots. That’s for sure.

Mark was pretty disappointed that they lost but I still had fun.

We were at the game with the 3rd highest amount of people in attendance. It was a little above 20,000 people.

Did you know that a Timberwolves game can seat more people than a Lakers game?

And that a Clippers game in the same Staples center can seat about 63 more people than a Lakers game?

Weird huh. It must be some of the courtside seats or something. Who knows.

I also received a very sweet Christmas card from my friend Missy:


And my longtime friend Bow sent me all these cuddly creatures and scrumptious treats all the way from Australia! Thanks Bow!

Those chocolates are delicious and I put up the finger puppets as art on my wall. I’ll upload a picture when I complete my art wall when I get home.


And one of my best friends Patty is such a doll that she sent two sets of Christmas presents! One with the cutest pair of Hello Kitty Leopard Jeans, ornaments and hair ties.


And another package with just a whole bunch of fun surprises!

She sent 3 sugar cookies (2 Christmas themed & 1 Spongebob cookie) and the family dog ended up getting into the Christmas cookies last night. I wasn’t angry but more worried about if the dog was going to be okay. She ended up puking it back up today but she seems in better spirits now which is good.

She knows I like foxes so she sent the cutest sweater and the cutest desk figure. Again, I’m just so worried that the wind is going to knock it over and smash it into a million pieces. Maybe I can just command strip everything into place!

…Not a bad idea at all. Hmmm…

Thank you Patty! Happy New Year!!


And these are the gifts I got from his family!

(They also got us our hotel room in Minneapolis for the Timberwolves game).

s1349901-main-heroI asked them for this specific Smashbox Foundation and they actually got it for me!

I’ve wanted it ever since I saw it at Sephora but it was too expensive for me to buy so I was so thrilled to get it on Christmas!

Oh and I guess before I go any further they asked both of us what we wanted for Christmas and we both each gave them a list of stuff that we wanted.

They got me so much stuff from my list it was crazy!


They got me the Dostoyevsky book that I wanted! (Which is really good so far. I’ve been sidetracked by other things but I will get back to it…probably on the plane ride back home).

They also got me the Adventure Time game for DS which I beat yesterday. It has it’s pros and cons but I had fun with it. I’ll probably do a game review in a future blog update if anyone is interested.

Also a $100 gift card to Victoria Secret! I think I’m going to wait till I get home to use it though so we don’t have to carry home too much stuff.

They also got me a Hello Kitty Calendar and a Hello Kitty bank!



I am going to take a permanent marker and write ‘LAW SCHOOL’ on Hello Kitty Bank’s forehead and hopefully that will encourage me to save SOME money for Law School. A girl can try right?


Mark’s sister got me a rolling pin! (Which I also asked for).

And her daughter (my niece…in law?) painted this pie pan for me since Becky (Mark’s sister) owns a glass shop where she does lots of crafts and stuff. I wanted a pie pan so this was perfect! Happy!!

And last but not least his parents also got me art supplies! I left my paints and stuff at home in Los Angeles and I wanted to start again so I was ecstatic! I have started painting again too. I haven’t finished but I will once I get home.


I had an amazing Christmas! I’ll upload more Christmas cards and stuff once I get home to my mailbox.

Ah~ It’s almost time for school again…

I hope everyone enjoyed their New Years eve as much as I did!


We hit the town, shopped, used our gift cards, ate delicious Mongolian BBQ and then went to Dempseys to play a little black jack.

Kahlua + Half & Half and a few rounds of Black Jack make for an amazing New Year’s Eve!


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Oh yeah, I got married today

I know it’s a little out of the blue but Mark and I got married today!

Nothing fancy, we just got our marriage license and then went to get a civil marriage in the afternoon. I couldn’t have been happier. Yeah it was non-traditional but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

It went pretty quick and we kind of smiled/laughed our way through our “Hawaiian beach wedding” ceremony. We didn’t take it as a joke but it was just cute holding each others hands and repeating vows in front of a beach backdrop. I can’t believe it’s been almost 2 1/2 years since we’ve met too. Time goes by fast but I’m happy where I am now.

And I want to thank everyone for their warm wishes! You guys are the best! I really mean it!

And before I start talking about the NBA I have to say that my family is either super special or all in on some big joke to GET me.

First, I told my mother I got married and she said, “Congraturation”. Is my own mother making a racist joke on Asians or is she just being Asian?

And then when I told my uncle I was married he typed back, “Congradulations” to which I was just dumbfounded by. Really? ConGRADulations?

And then when I texted my aunt that we were married she texted back, “Congrets”.

WHAT IN HOLY HECK IS GOING ON WITH MY FAMILY? I bet they were all next to each other when I texted them…God, I hope that’s what happened…

Either way, I’m just happy that they’re happy for us. Yay! That’s all that really matters.

And what better news than for both of our teams acquiring better players for next seasons roster! As well as working on getting other established players as well!

When I looked up “lakers trade rumors” pictures on Google all I get are pictures of Dwight Howard in a Lakers jersey. UM, NO THANK YOU VERY MUCH. But the Lakers somehow managed to get Steve Nash (TO WHOM I AM NOT MARRIED TO THANK YOU VERY MUCH!) and the Timberwolves got Brandon Roy and I think they’re pretty close to getting Batum. Who knows Pau might be over there sometime soon as well too but like I said earlier, all these Pau Gasol trade rumors add up and I can’t be bothered to go through each and every one of them like they might ACTUALLY happen. An interesting one that’s popped up out of the ol’ rumor mill is that they might trade Pau Gasol for Andre Iguodala…that might be pretty cool. But somehow I think we’re just going to keep Pau Gasol because nothing will be worth the trade according to the head office in LA.

It is what it is.

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Who to believe?

So in my last post I blamed the Portland Trail Blazers for cock blocking the Beasley Laker trade but new reports are coming out where the Timberwolves might be to blame.

Unnamed sources say that 7 minutes before the trade deadline that the Timberwolves owner Glen Taylor canceled the deal.

That Fisher Rockets trade wasn’t how it was supposed to go down.

Let’s try to work this out:


Derek Fisher to Minnesota
Cash Money to Minnesota
1st round draft pick that was acquired from the Mavs to the Trail Blazers

Trail Blazers

 Jamal Crawford to Minnesota
Even more cash money to Minnesota


Michael Beasley to the Lakers
Anthony Tolliver to the Trail Blazers

Beasley’s not even playing today. Meh.

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NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn Trail blazers!

I was SO excited to get Michael Beasley on the Lakers but the Portland Trail blazers decided to trade with the Nets instead of the Timberwolves so the Lakers are out of a deal.

They could’ve still sent Jamal Crawford AND Marcus Camby AND Gerald Wallace!…it didn’t have to be one or the other!

I don’t want Steve Blake!

They ended up trading Marcus Camby in a 3 way trade to the Rockets.

Lakers: Derek Fisher & 1st-round pick from the Mavericks to the Rockets
Rockets: Jordan Hill to the Lakers
Trail blazers: Johnny Flynn & Hasheem Thabeet & 2nd-round pick to the Rockets
Rockets: Marcus Camby to the Trail blazers 

Rockets: Gerald Wallace to the Nets
Trail blazers:Mehmet Okur & Shawne Williams & a protected 2012 1st-round draft pick to the Trail blazers

Sadness. BUT I’m still happy about the Lakers scenario as of now!

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Dwight Howard is a big bitch and if I were the Magic I’d let him go where he wanted. How could you promise a player to pick the next manager and coach? Is he REALLY that important? Ugh Dwight, even my bro Lebron wasn’t that much of a big cry baby.

But want to know about BIG NAMES that actually DO matter and will probably get traded?

Michael Beasley

Well Michael Beasley is coming to the Lakers which I’m just PSYCHED about! I’ll trade Steve Blake for him ANY DAY! I can’t wait to get my hands on a Beasley Lakers jersey. Haha. I know the Lakers need a point guard more than anything but I’m sure having Skittles won’t HURT the team any more than Blake HELPED the team. Yay!

Deron Williams

So since the Nets aren’t getting Deron Williams he’s out of there but who knows where he will end up. Sorry Nets…after you guys were trying to make it too. Maybe during the drafts you could pick up someone new.

Gerald Wallace

I’m sorry Trailblazers but your team is going to be a mess after today. All your star players are leaving for a better team and especially after that 42 point upset against the Knicks yesterday it’s no surprise everyone wants out. I would want out too if I got beat by the Knicks who haven’t won a single game this month. I mean for god’s sake D’Antoni resigned yesterday AND THEN they won? It’s not like he was the main root of their problems. They’re still going to need to figure out what to do about the team. One win on a whim isn’t going to be good enough to make it back to playoff status.

Teams most likely to acquire Wallace are Larry Bird’s Pacers or the Orlando Magic. This could be taken as an attempt by the Magic to appease the god known as DH. UGH. I hope they DON’T get Wallace. Howard doesn’t deserve anything at this point. GO SUCK IT, REALLY THOUGH.

Jamal Crawford

Like I said, he’ll be in a 3 way trade with Beasley and Blake.

Pau Gasol

Being a life long Laker fan it’s going to be sad to have to say goodbye to Pau but this game IS a business and I understand that it has to be run like a business. LA’s going to miss you Pau! Stay strong!

Where is he headed? Either the Houston Rockets or the Chicago Bulls.

The Rockets have had their eye on Gasol ever since the beginning of the season and they have what the Lakers need, a point guard and maybe that’s just what we’ll get. Hopefully a half decent one at least! DEAR GOD NO MORE SHITTY TRADES!


The Bulls have been showing interest in him as of late trying to build up their All Star team. Who would they give up for Pau though? Would be be on the bench a lot more than? Hmmm…

Paul Pierce

Paul Pierce has been a Celtic his whole NBA career, 12 straight and solid years of loyalty and what does Danny Ainge want to do? He wants to trade him. With who? The Trailblazers. Yeah, I know. UGH. It’s not really clear what he asked for in return but I wouldn’t give up Pierce for anything less than AWESOME. I don’t like Paul Pierce as a person but I can admit that he’s an amazing player and that he too shouldn’t be traded for peanuts. I thought he could be the Steve Nash of the Celtics and just live out his career there. UGH DANNY. Causing problems for everyone during the trade talk season. Although after everything the Trailblazers will be giving up it would be a godsend if Pierce were to magically show up but I doubt that it’s going to happen and I rather it not.

Ray Allen

A lot of teams have been scoping out Ray Allen as well. Top contenders? The Indiana Pacers and the Clippers who have been struggling since Billups went down. DON’T DO IT RAY ALLEN! DON’T PLAY FOR THE CLIPPERS!!!!!!!


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The Unicorn may be down for the count but don’t count the Twolves out just yet!

A lot of fans were heartbroken at the loss of Ricky Rubio for the season, (and to be completely honest, I wasn’t one of them). I mean they call this a blog right? I’m being honest, don’t shoot me for it. But where as a lot of fans gave up hope of the Timberwolves being playoff contenders this year, I didn’t realize why everyone gave up so easily. Yes, Kevin Love can’t carry the whole team by himself. Yes, they need another young amazing point guard but was it quitting time already? I mean, I’m not even a Timberwolves fan but I wouldn’t give up on my team THAT quickly. Dear lord, it’s just one rookie. If you hold so much weight on just one player, you know there’s something wrong with how players are valued. It’s a TEAM effort people. Otherwise every game would be a 1 on 1 of every teams best player. What? Are we supposed to believe that a single player carries the whole team? (Not unless you’re Lebron James!) Haha. But anyways, the Timberwolves are doing just fine and everyone is pulling their own weight as well as supporting the rest of the team LIKE HOW A TEAM SHOULD BE. Of course they’re not going to be Championship contenders but we all know only a few select teams are even close to that. We watch the NBA to support the game as well as our favorite teams and players but this isn’t the end of the world. With this super compact season, players are getting injured left and right. I mean now we have 2 masked villains in LA. The Mamba and the CP3? Haha.

AS LONG AS THEY WORK ON THEIR FREE THROWS and keep up the team work, they will be fine.

 Kevin Love was struggling in the first half and his shooting was 5-13 but as he made his way into the second half of the game he managed to turn it around into shooting 11-23, not GREAT but better than where he was at the start of the game.

And surprisingly Pekovic has been playing well the whole game making 24 points (11-17), 8 rebounds, 1 assist and 2 steals.

Ridnour needs to watch the number of turnovers he makes every game…AND Pekovic…needs to watch it both on the fouls and the turnovers.

And as a team they’ve made 14 out of 22, 3 pointers, pretty good.

Love + Pekovic was a great matchup against Nash + Dudley

Steve Nash had 10 assists today. Too bad Amare is with the Knicks now… but Nash has always been amazing with assists, too bad it takes more than that to get a ring. Sucks but it’s the truth.

So basically, Timberwolves fans don’t fret. The season isn’t over yet.

You WILL lose to the Lakers this Friday making it a 19 straight win for the Lakers against the Twolves but that one was inevitable, Rubio or not. But they have an easy week up until they play the Thunder.

They play the Jazz on Thursday and they’ve been better than them so far so I’m sure it won’t be that big of a deal. As long as they keep up what they did today and play a good game then there shouldn’t be a problem in winning.

Oh and because this is somewhat related…

Kevin Love helped released the new Octopus at the Aquarium they have at the Mall of America.
(I’ve actually been there, it’s pretty neat. That place really is the biggest fuckin mall in America, dear god).

And the Octopus’ name is K-Love. Huh…

Oh well. Kevin Love fed it and gave it a basketball toy. Now we just need to wait 20 years for the octopus to grow to a ridiculous size so it can rape Kevin Love for releasing him into captivity. Sounds great. Maybe we should make a movie out of it.

Hollywood! I have an idea that doesn’t involve Jim Carey! Or maybe…


What’s the point of this blog entry?

Never give up on your own sports teams.

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Bobcats reign victorious. Los Bulls host Nueva York. Injured wolves battle Suns.


I feel like I need to write a blog every time the Charlotte Bobcats win.

Dear lord, I don’t even know how they did it today!

Granted it was against the Hornets who are 10-32 but that’s still quite a feat considering Maggette only made 2 points and played for less than 10 minutes. And the highest scoring player was Henderson with 15 points… But you know what they had going for them? Team work. Something some other teams can learn a lesson from. If you look at the stats the rebounds, assists and steals are pretty evenly spread throughout the team. There may not be a star player but by distributing the work I think they got a good thing going today. A little disappointed by the 5 turnovers by Augustin but that can be forgiven. And do you know what else is crazy? They made 0 out of 12 3pointers that they attempted. So their stat for 3PM-A is literally 0.0% and they still beat the Hornets…good for them. A lot of people are out today on the Hornets but I’m still proud of the Bobcats none the less.

Biyombo killed it today. Not only did he make an awesome dunk but also a game saving block. It’s because of days like this you’re happy you’re a fan of the NBA.

I just wish Michael Jordan would dish out a little for his NBA team, you know? Does he just have blinders on? Wants to give the underdogs a chance?

But it’s been like this since MJ’s been playing in the league. Encouraging the draft picks of some less than great players. Come on, how could you get rid of Raymond Felton & Tyson Chandler?!

AND taking a stand AGAINST players during the lockout when YOU WERE A GOD DAMN PLAYER TOO? Come on now…

It’s like owning your own business, just because you’re good at your specific skill it DOES NOT MEAN that you have the capabilities of running an independent business by yourself. And I feel MJ is one of those people, sad because he’s one of the best players of all time.

Maybe I’ll just watch Space Jam and that will make everything better.

Anyways, here’s Biyombo on fire!

Knicks @ Bulls

The Header for this picture literally reads:

Rose leads Los Bulls past Nueva York

Really? Does the NBA really need to make Spanish jerseys? I got it when it came time to fight the attack on immigration but this might be going a little far. Don’t ya think? I find it’s just another marketing ploy, but what do I know right? Dear lord what will future generations think when they see this? I don’t even know.

And a lot of people thought the Knicks might have a chance today against the Bulls but the Knicks haven’t won a single game this month and they’ve been 2-7 since Carmelo came back. Let’s all face it, I was right, Carmelo doesn’t really play well with others. What? It’s true. The only real question is…what do the Knicks do about their team now? They can’t trade Lin because they’d get backlash about that and they can’t trade Carmelo because they gave up everything to get him last year, JR Smith fluctuates on his performance. It’s not so much that they need better players, they just need to find a way to manage the players that they already have. They could be such an All Star team if only they could figure out the right game plan to match everyone’s needs.

I mean…it’s been a close game today. Besides 3 pointers the Knicks have better shooting statistics today but the Bulls have better teamwork. No duh.

They’re averaging better rebounds, assists, steals, blocks…less personal fouls as well as turnovers. And of course Derrick Rose kills it with 32 points.

Did I tell you guys about his $250 million contract with Adidas over the next…how many years was it? 10 years. Well he has the possibility to make that much money with all the advertising and what not. Geez louise! Imagine how many Rolls Royce’s I could buy with that kind of money!



Despite Jeremy Lin now being overrated you have to watch this insane block he did against DRose!


Not all hope is lost! The Timberwolves are still doing pretty well despite the loss of their young rookie athlete!

Pekovic and Beasley are bringing their A game tonight against the Suns! But like I keep saying. They need to work on their free throws. They used to be the champs at free throws but as of late they’ve been way below par. Sad but it’s the truth and don’t you dare deny it! Otherwise all their shooting percentages are above 50% as of the 2nd quarter. They’ve also made 5 out of 8, 3 point attempts so that’s a good start too. You never know, one of Mike Beasley’s 3 pointers might end up winning the game!

Should the Twolves really trade Beasley at this point? Just saying.

Wolves (or should I say Los Lobos) are leading the Los Suns 63-56 at halftime.

Now to watch the Celtics play the 2nd best team in LA…

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The Lake Show is back and better than ever!


What did I tell you?

18 straight wins against the Loserwolves! ( 3 this season) Sucks to be a Timberwolves fan…EVERY NIGHT!

Everyone brought their A game once again!

Congrats to Kobe on his 29,000 points.

And the Lake show will play the Loserwolves again next Friday at home. That’ll be another easy win.

This song’s for you Minnesota:

Get out the way!

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6 more days…

So hopefully this won’t affect today’s game against the Wolves but rumor is that Pau has already been traded.

With who?

No one’s quite sure at this point. Don’t want another Chris Paul situation on our hands now do we?

There’s a lot of talk about the Wolves wanting Pau and the same with the Rockets but until they release something official it’s still anyone’s game. I mean we all thought Wallace was on the Lakers too but that didn’t pan out too well.

6 more days until the deadline.

Are the Lakers going to get Derrick Williams? Josh Smith? Someone from the Rockets? Who knows.

What I DO know is we can’t trade for nothing again. That’s for sure.

I’m going to miss you Pau! Thank God we got you instead of Marc.


Love and Barea are out, Pekovic is in. 

We got this!

And NO Pau will NOT be wearing a Wolves jersey tonight.

Love = Back Spasms

Barea = Sprained Ankle

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Loserwolves back for another try at the AWESOME LAKERS

I’ve been writing my final essay for World Lit all day so I thought it was time to update my blog.


The Lakers have beat the Timberwolves 17 straight games in a row. 


Seventeen straight fuckin ass games!

That is the most consecutive active wins a team has had over another team in the NBA. Sad ain’t it?

Plus, this is what the Lakers need after our 2 game losing streak on the road. I guess finally beating the Heat wore everyone out? Still no excuse though.

We’ll kick them off of the 8th seed soon enough.

And Kobe will be the youngest player to reach 29,000 players with this nights game. It’ll just be the icing on the cake for the Lakers. Mmmm…sweet victory here we come! And like always I’ve placed my bets on this game. I haven’t been disappointed yet and I have no reason to worry. It’s going to be back to back Friday wins for the World Famous Lakers!

Do you know how much the Loserwolves suck?


All you need to buy is 4 cans of vegetables for $3 and you can get Wolves tickets!

Check out line scenario:

*Cashier scans my 4 cans of corn and looks up at me*

Cashier: That’ll be $3.20 and here are your complimentary tickets to the Timerwolves game next Friday.

Me: No Thank You.

Cashier: But it’s Free!

Me: If those tickets even TOUCH my cans of corn, I will kill you.


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