Tag Archives: Lakers

All I do is eat…


So yesterday I woke up a little early so I could go get some breakfast pastries for Mark, myself and Olivo.

I drove down to Liliha Bakery which is pretty close by if I use the freeway. I’m sure there are other bakeries in the neighborhood that I need to try out but I always get so paranoid about trying to go to new places because I’m always worried I’m going to overshoot the actual location and have to make SEVERAL loops around the block to find the place AND/OR there is no parking ANYWHERE!

I have a legitimate reason to be paranoid because I feel like not having a parking space and overshooting a location is all I do in my car. I’m usually VERY good with directions but everything is on a one way street that like either leads to a freeway on ramp (that I do not want to go on) OR there is no opportunity to turn around to get back to where I was.

I got some donuts, a chocolate cream puff, an eclair, an apple turnover AND MY FAVORITE a sweet potato crescent. I swear I only get like two things at this place. The blueberry scone and the sweet potato crescent. It seriously reminds me of my time in Japan and I just love it!

Also testing out some photo apps on my phone. I feel as though I’m not sufficiently Asian enough to have already mastered every photo app out there to make my skin brighter or my eyes wider but I’m working on it! Hahaha.

But after chillaxing at home Olivo and I decided to take a walk down to Chinatown to look around and to see if there was anything worth buying from the Macy’s that is closing.


I was SO excited once I got to the little Chinese markets. I felt like I was back home again! They had all my favorite foods!

I bought two packets of instant noodles that Olivo SAID were spicy (because I love spicy food) BUT they weren’t spicy at all! She lied! I had to put a shit ton of Sriracha into it before I could eat it.

Also bought Strawberry Cakes! Olivo brought me all different flavors and I just loved them! They’re kind of like Fig Newtons but better! Tastier with a wide range of flavors!

I also bought a bag of peeled roasted chestnuts and needless to say I had finished it way too quickly. I absolutely LOVE chestnuts! I think I could live off of them if I had to. My mother and grandmother always bring them when they come to visit but they never last very long. But now that I know I can get it in Chinatown I am definitely going to go by more often!

AND I also bought Almond Jello Mix! They serve it as dessert in Chinese restaurants and it is SO DELICIOUS! I usually don’t care for Jello but I’ve always loved getting this at the end of every Chinese meal! I can’t wait to try it at home!!!


And this morning we watched the end of the Lakers vs Raptors game as well as both NFL games. And of course I wake up to the Lakers losing…to a team that is not even anywhere near playoffs! It just hurts to be a Lakers fan right now… I think I might start up a:

“NO DWIGHT 2013”

campaign soon.

But I also made some Cinnamon Tortilla crisps this morning since I hadn’t in a long time. Also made an experimental tortilla pizza with salsa, parmesan, mozzarella and pepperoni and it turned out pretty good! The only issue was that the salsa I used was SUPER SPICY so the pizza ended up being super spicy so I just need to be mindful of that next time.

I can’t believe both the 49ers AND the Ravens are going to the Superbowl. I guess you got your birthday wish Austin.

We’ll get there next year Broncos! I believe in you Peyton!

After that Mark and I went to Walmart and got our groceries for the week and when we came home Olivo was back so we decided to go out and get dinner.

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Olivo wanted to get a Loco Moco so I thought we could try Like Like Drive Inn. I’ve always driven by it but I’ve never been there so I’m glad I had an excuse to go. Olivo got the Loco Moco and I got the Oxtail which came with a soup, salad, drink and dessert!

Surprisingly my dish was pretty good. I do love Oxtail and I haven’t had any since I was in Hong Kong. The dish itself came with mashed potatoes and corn (which I also very much love). I gave the salad to Olivo since I despise the very existence of salad and I had the spinach soup as an appetizer. The soup wasn’t bad but I’m not quite sure what to think about it. It was…different. And for dessert I asked for a recommendation and she brought me the blueberry ice cream. I usually don’t like ice cream but it was actually really flavorful and surprisingly smooth.

I really do need to start back at the gym…

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And there is a god!


Anyone else as happy as I am about the Clippers FINALLY losing 2 games in a row?

And it was to the Nuggets and the Warriors…

Sweet Sweet Victory.

The Clippers shooting percentages were pretty horrendous for both games. It seems a miracle that this same team could win 17 games in a row.

It was only a one time deal Clipper fans, don’t get used to it. Seriously.

I don’t know if it was the Denver altitude or what but the Clippers were missing any kind of goal attempt left and right!

I think Urban Dictionary said it best, “They suck major shit, no talent on the team. Disgrace to Los Angeles and the lakers. Should just stop playing basketball and the NBA should make them a d league team.”

I almost lost my shit when I saw Blake Griffin making his free throws but I don’t need to worry about that anymore. Phew~

And here’s Blake Griffin driving a…Mercedes?

The next game for the Clippers is the Lakers on the 4th. I know the Lakers have got this!!


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Why did you have to leave us?

So I was like, “Why are the Charlotte Bobcats doing so well?”

Answer? Two words.

Ramon Sessions.

And what are with all the jersey changes this year?

Just because the end of the world is coming this year DOESN’T MEAN that we can just let go of our understanding of stylishness and fashion.

Really? All it says is just “CATS”?

What, are they all going to come out and preform a number from the musical cats? Can you imagine Ramon Sessions and Brendan Haywood singing Allegorical Cats? Really guys? It’s gotten just plain silly now. The Lakers might as well have a big lake on their jerseys if this is how we’re looking at things now.

The Lakers should have kept Ramon Sessions…we’d be doing a lot better than we are now. That’s for sure.

But I’m happy that he is at least on a winning team. He at least deserves that much.

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The Raptor Strikes Again!

My man Chris Bosh is single-handedly smoking the Nuggets right now!
(Well, we’re only 1 point ahead at this point, but still).

32 points, 7 rebounds, and 1 assist with 27 minutes played!

But the Nuggets are all contributing point wise so the Heat will have to stay on their toes to win this one but I know we can do it!

We just let New York win because we felt bad…too soon? … Maybe.

I’m glad Iguodala gets to shine on the Nuggets though. It’s going to be an interesting season for the Nuggets this year.

Sad News?

The Bobcats are doing better than the Lakers.

Worse opening tip off in 45 year history for the Lakers? Mark says things will get better and that when Steve Nash comes back that the Lakers will be a good team but somehow I highly doubt that. To lose against the Clippers was a low blow, especially for me since the Clippers are the #2 team for LA. Psh. Clippers suck. If Blake Griffin gets most improved player of the year…I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life. But, that’s never going to happen so I have nothing to worry about.

And here’s what I was talking about earlier with Rasheed. Glad to see him back.

Stupid NBA TV/League Pass bullshit. Just let me watch some games on my TV! I’ve had enough college football for today.

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Lakers welcome Antawn Jamison!

And not Dwight Howard! Woo Hoo!

Yes there are still rumors going around that the DH trade is still possible but I hope to god it isn’t. Like I keep saying, I rather have a younger Bynum who is only getting better with time than Howard who just seems to whine more as the days go by.

Aw yeah! We won’t have the worst bench in the league anymore! Awesome. I’ve been counting down the days…

Jamison is the man when it comes to point scoring AND rebounds. He can be the Sixth Man on the Lakers ANY day. Yes please.

Cool fact about Jamison: He is the only player next to Dirk Nowitzki in NBA history to accumulate over the length of his career at least 1,000 three-pointers, 7,000 rebounds and a whopping 19,000 points.

That’s pretty amazing if you ask me.

Welcome to the Dream Team! Oh Yeah!

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Oh yeah, I got married today

I know it’s a little out of the blue but Mark and I got married today!

Nothing fancy, we just got our marriage license and then went to get a civil marriage in the afternoon. I couldn’t have been happier. Yeah it was non-traditional but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

It went pretty quick and we kind of smiled/laughed our way through our “Hawaiian beach wedding” ceremony. We didn’t take it as a joke but it was just cute holding each others hands and repeating vows in front of a beach backdrop. I can’t believe it’s been almost 2 1/2 years since we’ve met too. Time goes by fast but I’m happy where I am now.

And I want to thank everyone for their warm wishes! You guys are the best! I really mean it!

And before I start talking about the NBA I have to say that my family is either super special or all in on some big joke to GET me.

First, I told my mother I got married and she said, “Congraturation”. Is my own mother making a racist joke on Asians or is she just being Asian?

And then when I told my uncle I was married he typed back, “Congradulations” to which I was just dumbfounded by. Really? ConGRADulations?

And then when I texted my aunt that we were married she texted back, “Congrets”.

WHAT IN HOLY HECK IS GOING ON WITH MY FAMILY? I bet they were all next to each other when I texted them…God, I hope that’s what happened…

Either way, I’m just happy that they’re happy for us. Yay! That’s all that really matters.

And what better news than for both of our teams acquiring better players for next seasons roster! As well as working on getting other established players as well!

When I looked up “lakers trade rumors” pictures on Google all I get are pictures of Dwight Howard in a Lakers jersey. UM, NO THANK YOU VERY MUCH. But the Lakers somehow managed to get Steve Nash (TO WHOM I AM NOT MARRIED TO THANK YOU VERY MUCH!) and the Timberwolves got Brandon Roy and I think they’re pretty close to getting Batum. Who knows Pau might be over there sometime soon as well too but like I said earlier, all these Pau Gasol trade rumors add up and I can’t be bothered to go through each and every one of them like they might ACTUALLY happen. An interesting one that’s popped up out of the ol’ rumor mill is that they might trade Pau Gasol for Andre Iguodala…that might be pretty cool. But somehow I think we’re just going to keep Pau Gasol because nothing will be worth the trade according to the head office in LA.

It is what it is.

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The King of trade bullshit rises again

Who else could I be talking about but the Master of Flip Flop, Mr. Dwight Howard himself.

Everyone is talking about how the Lakers would regret it if we didn’t trade Andrew Bynum for Dwight Howard but is this really the deal that LA has to make? Sure DH may be a tad bit better offensively Bynum is still young and only getting better year after year. The Lakers need to keep their young star players instead of risking them for older washed out players like DH.

Yes Bynum has had his own injuries and problems in the past but nothing like Howard’s recent list of injuries which could affect his rate of play from here on out. Season ending injuries for older players can be career ending as well.

And besides, wasn’t DH supposed to go play bball with his BFF Deron in Jersey? Did I miss something? Although I’m surprised Deron is thinking of staying after all the fuss he made this past season. Sorry, Brooklyn not Jersey.

I’ve been watching a lot of Bridezillas on TV and Dwight is beginning to sound a lot like those crazy bitches who need to have everything THEIR way.

There’s only one team on my list and if I don’t get traded there, I’ll play the season out and explore my free agency after that,” Howard told Yahoo! Sports.

And get this, he’s going to try to take “Legal Action” if the Magic doesn’t move him somewhere else since they “FAILED” to do what they had promised him. Who else isn’t annoyed by this big baby?

So let me get this straight. It’s a Catch-22 so try to stay with me here.

1. Dwight Howard wants to be moved and will only play for the Nets.
2. The Nets are trying to re-sign Deron Williams as well as Joe Johnson which leaves no money and no talent to offer the Magic for Howard.

I wouldn’t even trade a bag of peanuts for Dwight Howard.

And apparently the Rockets are in all the trade rumors now a days because they’re just trying to get their hands on anyone possible. But they’ve moved on from trying to get the big man since their Draft flop the other day AND they already signed Omer Asik to a 3 year contract worth $25 mil.

Why do the Lakers have to be the ones to get stuck with this dude? We don’t want his ass. I say we take another route to improve the team.

I really don’t want DH anywhere near LA unless he’s here for a pounding from my home team.

If I have to sing a song and put it on Youtube to KEEP Howard from coming to LA, I WILL DO IT! I SWEAR!

New article titles to describe DH, Dwight Howard has out-LeBroned LeBron with free-agency gaffes.” It’ll always be slang for the times but people who REALLY know what happened and KNOW how much work and effort Lebron gave to Cleveland will know that people are misguided when they use the term.

And for Pau, poor guy has just been the basis of almost every Lakers trade rumor for the past year now. If he ends up being traded I will of course be sad but maybe it’ll give him and the Lakers another opportunity at seeing a possible Championship. Up in the air is 3 possible trades for Pau (that we know about) but I’m pretty sure the one with the Hawks was already rejected. I’d LOVE to have Josh Smith on the Lakers but the Lakers still want more. And I can see both points of the situation. We’d get a great forward that’s not only an amazing defensive player but also one of the most efficient players in the NBA but we’d lose a big man which is pretty important. The Hawks, and any team that took Pau, would be left with a heavy burden of a $38 million/2 year contract which would put a pretty big dent in their hopes of scouting out other players.

Mark’s hoping for Pau to be traded to the Twolves so he can have an all white starting lineup. Hahaha. Hey, it IS Minnesota. I’d pay to see that.

We had a debate to see if he could make a Championship winning team with just white players. Maybe we should start the whole Fantasy League thing. I still haven’t decided who would be on my “non-white” team though. Apparently I only want 3 Lebrons instead of 5 according to Mark. For now, I think I’ll just stick with 1 and build on it.

Maybe when I have some more time to think about it I can do an analysis of my “DREAM TEAM”.

Bleh. That was my two cents on this whole situation. I really thought I had heard the end of this bullshit back during the regular season but I have to hear about it during the off season too? Now THAT’s bull honkey.

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Thunder advances.

Clean win against the Mavs.

Maybe next time Dirk.

Whenever I think of KD anymore I can’t help but think of his Doodle Jump/Sprint commercial. I ended up downloading the game because of the commercial but it was just so so. Nothing too special about it. I’m going to go back to playing Draw Something and Hang Something or other.

Thunder vs Lakers will be an awesome upcoming series and Mark and I are very much looking forward to it. It feels like it was just yesterday when we were at the Playoffs games 2 years ago between the Lakers and the Thunder. The Thunder won’t be as easy to beat this year so the Lakers will have to bring all that they’ve got to make it a good series of games.

I’m sure we’ll have our own bets going on when the time comes for them.

We’ll be able to watch the Playoffs from Hong Kong…right? RIGHT?

I’d be happy too if Fisher could get another ring before Kobe.

It is what it is. Good thing he’s not on the Rockets. Phew~!

Spurs advance.

A little love kiss between Tim Duncan and Al Jefferson. An unrequited love met with such a bitter ending.

I’ll still be your bottom bitch Tim!

Hahaha. I’m just kidding. Love the angling on this picture though. Just priceless.

Let’s face it, the Jazz never had a chance and neither did the Mavs.

Still no Championship for the Jazz. Better luck next year.

I have the Spurs beating either the Grizzlies or the Clippers but losing to the Thunder or the Lakers. I’ve been disappointed before by the Spurs. No longer will I bet on them to win anything. I learned my lesson the first time around.

Clippers lead Grizzlies 3-1

I think they call this position the “Saucy Spoon”.

Come on guys, get a hotel room.

But anyways, I am going to puke. Not only do I absolutely despise the Clippers but I actually bet that the Grizzlies would take the Series…UGH. I might be out some moolah! AND IT WAS SUCH A CLOSE GAME YESTERDAY!!!!!!!! UGH…

I was watching during work and it seemed like it just went on forever. I still believe in Marc and OJ! LETS DO THIS SHIT!

Predictions and Hopes for Today’s Game Schedule

-Lakers close out the Nuggets, once and for all.

-76ers prove that the Bulls are nothing without Rose.

-Pacers halt the Magic’s attempt at a comeback.

-Hawks rise above the Celtics with a last minute clinch!

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No ring ma but look what else I got?!

I was watching TNT last night at the Harbor Pub when Charles Barkley got DOUSED with champagne.

And for those of you who missed it, here it is:

After a while Kenny just refused to sit down and he eventually just ran off stage. I’d be scared if I was him too. I can only imagine what Charles did to him afterwords.

And I didn’t think Jordan Hill would be playing with his THIRD DEGREE FELONY ASSAULT on his girlfriend.

I guess it is what it is…he not only supposedly hit her but threw her up against a wall and choked her too. Scary.

I was surprised by the 76ers win and greatly disappointed by the Celtics last minute win against the Hawks.

Oh but…seriously? Emmy? What the fuck is a “Sports Emmy”? I am so confused…

Good for you Charles!

And I know the Lakers will whip the Nuggets. Kobe is having a great scoring game so I’m not too worried.

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I was going to write a blog about what I did for the rest of my birthday but FUCK IT!

You know why?

Because the Clippers just beat the Grizzlies by 1 fuckin goddamn point!



It’s okay. It’ll probably go to 6 to 7 games but I’m not worried.

The Clippers are still the WANNABE team of LA.

Here’s a clip of Dante Cunningham dunking over Blake Griffin though. That made me feel better.

And I am SICK AND TIRED of seeing Blake Griffin in his stupid Kia Optima commercials! BULLSHIT!

The Clippers aren’t going to go too far so I’m not too worried.



And here’s another clip of Zach keeping spirits high by showing his stuff on the floor!

The Lakers and the Heat HAVE THIS SHIT! So I’m not too worried.

I’ll write about my birthday later.

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