Tag Archives: thunder

Heat at OKC – Game 1


Have you guys seen this?

James Harden Fans wearing beards during the game. Boy, that’s dedication right there. Too bad the Heat have got this!

(Now I’m off to work~)

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I’m back home baby!

I’m back home from Hong Kong and Macau just in time to catch Game 1 against the Thunder and the Spurs.

Boy is this going to be a good series!~

I will update with pictures of my vacation soon!

More posts coming soon I promise!

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Derek Fisher hitting those 3’s in OKC

I’m happy that Derek Fisher is not only getting playing time in Oklahoma but that he’s actually adjusting well.

Not only did he make a buzzer beater today right at the end of the first quarter,

he also made a sweet 3 pointer in the 4th quarter.

He’s made 5 out of 6 shots and 1 out of 2 3 pointers.

Another sweet win for the Thunder.


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I’m a fat kid…on the inside

Thank god it doesn’t show on the outside! Hahaha.

I usually write about basketball and I probably will again after this post but I haven’t written down what I’ve been doing with my life, just what other people have been doing with theirs so here goes!

My voice is still completely gone though…

Friday I had a day off so I spent it with…Phoebe! We had some QUALITY girl time and we got to talk about a lot of things. She hasn’t really explored LA too much yet so I decided to show her around so I drove basically EVERYWHERE from 4 o’clock on out. I took her to Wackos and it literally BLEW her mind. Didn’t spend TOO much time there because I was hungry so we went to go eat at Umami Burger. FUCK IT WAS GOOD! Well…it’s ALWAYS good. I got to see all the usual people and Scott came in to work while we were eating too!

What did I have to eat…A something Poutine Burger? I don’t know what it was but it was delicious!

Mushrooms + Cheese + Beef Patty + ON A BED OF FUCKING FRIES.
Can I get another one please?
And then Scott brought out this CRAZY dessert!

Two layers of thin oatmeal cookies that were like deep fried with caramel sauce and ice cream on top. I thought I had died and gone to heaven! FUCK it was good…

And then I drove down Laurel Canyon all the way to Studio City which was pretty nice. I bought a new black dress but no pictures yet…sorry. Walked around, talked some more.

Then I drove back to my place and we swapped some clothes, talked, tried to watch some stuff but didn’t really have a chance to because we were talking so much. All in all it was an AWESOME day! It was my first time hanging out with Phoebe but it felt like we had been friends forever! I’m sad it’s not going to happen more often…with me moving and everything. I just hope everyone comes to visit me sometime.

Saturday I went to work. It was busy but I was working a private party so it wasn’t bad at all. I had some…Fat C**** that attended and DIDN’T tip but fuck her.

And then I went out with Setsu. I had a bunch of stuff to give her since I’m moving so it made for a nice opportunity to hang out and talk like old times. I think we’ve known each other … god I don’t even know how many years it’s been. It’s been a LONG time, that’s for sure.

We went to eat Pho because we had both been craving it so it was AWESOME! Syracuse losing wasn’t awesome but I got over it. (No I didn’t). Apparently Amy’s parents drove 4 hours to NC to watch the Kansas game. That’s hardcore. I have faith that they’ll win. Not even sweating it.

After that we went to this place called Yellow House near my house. It’s literally less than a mile from my house and I’ve never been there. UGH…but there’s a good reason why. I hate rude servers. COME ON! I’M FUCKING PAY YOU TO WORK, DON’T TALK BACK TO ME!

Gross. This is what it looks like anyways.

Or the Inside/Outside anyways. The ACTUAL outside is a big yellow house. I’m sorry but it looks gay as fuck. I call it like I see it.

The nurse told me not to have any soda, caffeine, dairy or any of that good stuff but I saw an Almond Roca Latte on the menu so I couldn’t resist! Too bad it sucked donkey balls. It tasted like that stuff you make by adding those coffee packets they have at hotel rooms with hot water, like watered down shit. It was gross. Sorry Setsu. She ended up getting a Shaved Ice with Fruit, which also looked disgusting…ugh fruit. Whoever thought ice + condensed milk + fruit + strawberry ice cream + fruity pebbles was a good idea should be hung.

And they also had smores on the menu so I thought, hey why not?


WHAT? AM I OUT IN THE FOREST? I don’t want to make my own god damn smores AND pay for it! Who do these people think I am? REALLY?


Oh and you know what else happened?

I asked the server for a plate and instead of saying okay do you know what he says?

“Oh that doesn’t come with a plate”.




I am NEVER going there again…I’m sticking to my normal cafes.

Setsu and I talked a lot too which was nice. I’m glad I was able to get some more stuff out of my room. It’s so hard to clean! … But I’m getting there…slowly but surely.

Today I just went to work and it was busy as fuck. It’s raining in LA today so once people got seated they just REFUSED to leave…I had people waiting over an hour for a table. Oh well. It is what it is. As long as we made some bank tip today…I’m good. I was also talking with a coworker about going to the Lakers @ Clippers game but it’s so expensive. Ugh…it WOULD be nice to go to one more game this season before I leave and before the playoffs… Mark and I should be back for the Playoffs. Not too sure what’s happening this year because we’re going to Hong Kong but I’m sure we’ll figure something out…

Yay for yearly traditions! Woo! OH YEAH PLAYOFF GAMES HERE I COME!

I’ll figure out if we’re going or not. I still have some time.

Oh and before I end this entry…look what I got for my cousin!

I bought him a Nike JUST DO IT shirt and a hat from the Pop Up Shop at work. Pretty neat right? He’s going to be the coolest kid in 6th grade! Hahaha.

AH THE THUNDER BEAT THE HEAT! I don’t know if I should be happy or sad…

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6th ring before Kobe?


I’m glad Fisher will be with the Thunder and not the Rockets. I can keep an eye on him while I make sure Durant and Westbrook are doing well. Mark said I sound like a mom…I guess I do sometimes huh?

Wouldn’t it be a trip if Fisher got his next ring before Kobe did? Hahaha. I’d LOVE to see that. Yes I love the Lakers but Fisher was my favorite player so I’ll support him wherever he goes. I can wear my OKC Fisher jersey over my Lakers one. Hahaha.

The new number he picked is his age…37. How cute. Awww! My children are all grown up now!

Maybe I SHOULD go to that Lakers vs Thunders game coming up…hmmmm

Let’s see what my paycheck says. Well. I guess I could since I finished school and what not but I always feel awkward going to games where I like both teams. I can’t be myself. I rather stick to a Clippers vs Thunder game. UGH I WENT TO ONE EARLIER THIS SEASON AND THE THUNDER LOST! No one talked shit to me that time though.

Overall…(most times) Clippers fans are nicer than Lakers fans. Except for that one time last week when I went to go see Josh Smith and TMac play. How could you hit on me after you talk smack to me all game long? Forget you. Hahaha.

Yay Fisher! I am so happy for you!

Well the Thunder BETTER beat the Clippers tonight!

What? Foye’s dropping points? Man…that’s whack.

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Pre All Star: East & West Matchups

Two big games to look forward to today!

Lakers vs Thunder


Knicks vs Heat

West vs West & East vs East. You’re not going to want to miss this!

Starting off with the Lakers vs Thunder, the clash of talent between old and new will be a great show. And since it’s right before the All Stars it’s a great chance to see how the teams play against each other. Tonight’s game will show if they are pumped up and ready to go at it with the East! 2 All Stars against 2 All Stars. They can also use today to size each other up, understand how each player moves and operates, how to best support each other. For those of you who didn’t know this is the first game of the season in which these two will be going head to head. Strange isn’t it? Since some teams have already gone up against each other anywhere from 3-4 times. This season’s a bit off but it makes it that much more intense and nerve wracking to watch and follow. Both the Lakers and the Thunder have won their last game up to this one so you know that they’re in it to win it! Being the #1 & #5 team on the Western Conference this also gives us an inside look as to what the Playoffs MIGHT look like. There’s still a lot of time for a shift in rank but when you think of the possibility of these two teams competing again when the time comes, it’s more likely than not so both teams could learn a lot from today.

So what needs to happen today for the Lakers to win? Kobe is going to need to put aside all of the trade drama bullshit and get back to playing a GOOD game. For the leading scorer in the NBA, Kobe tanked last night with 15 points. I was actually afraid that we might lose to Dallas. How unsettling is that? Me constantly checking the Ipad at work talking to myself about the game while I make drinks for customers. Most of them must have thought I was crazy. Gasol, on the other hand, is playing better than ever. Do you know why? Because he plays TO FUCKIN PLAY. I’ll forgive the 5 Turnovers he had last night because Kobe had 7. 7!?! Do you believe that? Thank God Bynum and Fisher stepped up yesterday.

The Lakers also need to be on top of Durant and Westbrook. Well, not literally but enough so they aren’t able to shoot. We can’t have them scoring like they have been if the Lakers want to win. Hayward and Collison may still be out from todays game so that’ll work to our advantage. And they need to watch out for Perkins when he’s on the floor. He’s been having a high number of rebounds every night and the one thing the Lakers do not need is Perkins being there to rebound every ball be it offensive or defensive. And we need to not play Ron Artest and just trade him somewhere. I’m sorry. And the only thing with playing Barnes or Morris is that they play well when it comes down to it but they get WAY too many Personal Fouls for comfort with the short amount of time they’re on the court. Just saying.

Maybe I’ll write about the Heats vs Knicks game later…I feel like that’s the one game everyone is already focusing on anyways. OMG A JEREMY LIN ROOKIE CARD THAT SOMEONE BOUGHT FOR $1000 SOLD FOR $21,800. FUCK people are crazy.

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Zeus is rollin’ out the THUNDER!

Photo courtest of NBA.com
(They were playing the Nuggets yesterday, not the Warriots, btw).

What an INTENSE game yesterday between the Thunder and the Nuggets. The Nuggets were ahead by 5 until half time and by the end of the 3rd quarter the Thunder had caught up but who would’ve thought the scores would be so evenly matched throughout the whole game! Game went into overtime where the Thunder dominated the court by scoring 13 points compared to the Nuggets 7. But that’s not why I’m writing this blog entry.

Yeah, it’s true. I wrote a whole blog entry about how Carmelo needs to share if he wants “in” on the Linsanity but FUCK, Durant and Westbrook don’t EVER have to share and they’d STILL win!

Kevin Durant ended up scoring 51 points, 8 rebounds, 3 assists and 4 steals. 51 points!

Russel Westbrook had 40 points, 4 rebounds and 9 assists. 40 freakin points!

Serge Ibaka totally laid it on too! 14 points, 15 rebounds and 11 blocked shots!

The highest scorer on the Nuggets was Afflalo with 27 points.

The Nuggets were struggling with their FGM-A scores. Afflalo only made 10-21, Brewer was 5-14, Lawson did a bit better with 8-17.

The Nuggets need a new star! Maybe they can take Carmelo back. I don’t know if the Knicks need him anymore.

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Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!

I’m sorry for the lack of blog entries yesterday, I was a bit busy with life but all is better today…I think. I ended up calling the mechanic yesterday but when I told him that someone stole my right headlight cover he just laughed on the phone and told me to come in so I drove right over and yup, someone stole it. I asked if he could order both headlight covers so I can just kill two birds with one stone but he only asked about the one. Oh well. He said he should have it by today so hopefully I’ll get it fixed soon. STOP STEALING SHIT FROM MY CAR! Grr…

I have been saving money for my next car though! I know I want an older classic car but I haven’t picked a specific one as of yet. But what about this one you guys?

Can’t you just see me in a little two seater 230 SL? And look at those hubcaps. They’re just TO DIE FOR! Hahaha. I’m such a dork sometimes.

And this wouldn’t be a complete blog entry if I didn’t talk about the NBA so here goes! There are some good games to look out for today. I thought about going to the Lakers vs Hawks game tonight but I had a paper due in class and I would probably end up going by myself so I decided against it. Sad I know. There are 9 games today…

New York Knicks vs Toronto Raptors

Knicks are going to win. Carmelo and Amare should be back for today’s game so it’ll be one to keep your eyes on. We’ll see how everyone meshes together. Plus, the Raptors are 9-20. Or will they beat the Knicks like they beat them on January 2nd, 90-85? The next two games they have with the Knicks are both in March, 20th and 23rd. If they manage to win today it’ll be a good upset for the Knicks.

Miami Heat vs Indiana Pacers

The 2nd and 5th best team on the Eastern Conference. This game will probably give us a good heads up on what we’ll be looking forward to during the Playoffs.

The Pacers lost to the Heat on January 4th – 83-118. So this will be their second go around with the Heat and then the next game between the two teams is on March 10th and the last one on the 26th of March. Hopefully it’ll be a much closer game today instead of the 35 point loss they suffered in January.

San Antonio Spurs vs Detroit Pistons

Again, I think this one will be a no brainer. The Spurs are currently the #2 team on the Western Conference. They are surprisingly at 19-9 where the Pistons are only at 8-21 with a PCT of only 0.276. Still better than the Bobcats but not by THAT much. If I’m correct…tonight will be the only game between the Spurs and the Pistons…weird.

Sacramento Kings vs Chicago Bulls

Yet another no brainer in my honest opinion. #1 in the Eastern Conference vs…#14 on the Western Conference? There’s only one team worse than them on the West and that’s the Hornets…The Bulls beat the Kings December 29th,  108-98. And today will be the second and last game between the two.

Houston Rockets vs Memphis Grizzlies

This game might actually turn out to be a good one. They aren’t too spread out when it comes to W-L’s and they’re both fighting to make it to the Playoffs. The Grizzlies won against the Rockets December 30, 113-93. A 20 point win IS pretty significant. This is also their second game and the next game between the two is actually pretty soon, February 20th, so next Monday they’ll be able to dish it out again. And their last game against each other is on March 30th.

Utah Jazz vs Oklahoma City Thunder

And again, this game should be no biggie for Durant and Westbrook. They beat the Jazz last friday the 10th, 101-87. And then their last game together is March 20th. I really don’t know what happened to the Jazz this year. Al Jefferson needs to step it up, Paul Millsap has been stepping up his game though. Maybe if Josh Howard can put down some points this game will be worth watching.

 I’ll give my input on the three other games tonight after I finish typing up my essay. I wrote it down pen and paper style so I just need to type it up. I like how it came out though.

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